有鑑於可重組式微波元件於次世代軟體無線電射頻收發機的應用潛力,本計畫擬於三年內開發創 新的可程式微波被動元件,相較於既有設計,可具有更多種功能且更為小的電路尺寸。本計畫擬以近 年開發的Bridged-T Coil 為基礎,結合開關陣列,仿照FPGA 而實現Radio-Frequency Programmable Bridged-T coil Array (RFPBA),從而能以數位訊號控制,改變其功能為濾波器、耦合器、功率分配器 等不同屬性微波被動電路功能方塊的目的。 ;In view of the potential of reconfigurable microwave components for applications in the next-generation software defined radio RF front end, this three-year project focuses on the development of novel programmable microwave passive components. Comparing to conventional reconfigurable microwave circuits, the proposed designs feature much more reconfigurable functions and more compact circuit size. The proposed Radio-Frequency Programmable Bridged-T coil Array (RFPBA) adopts the ideal of FPGA in digital circuits, and uses bridged-T coil and switch matrix as the building blocks. In this way, the function of proposed RFPBA can be controlled by digital signals such that it can be used as microwave filter, coupler, or divider.