心理壓力對人類認知系統影響至鉅。但是過去文獻中的實驗多半探討當下誘發的壓力對於認 知表現的影響,而鮮少觸及日常生活壓力程度的變化對於認知功能的衝擊;而動作學習中同 時並存的外顯與內隱的學習歷程如何分別受壓力影響亦有待釐清。本研究計畫屬於運用日常 生活壓力採樣系統於探討壓力對人類認知功能影響的一個子計畫;我們於此子計畫提出一系 列六個磁振造影實驗來檢驗外顯和內隱動作學習歷程的特性及神經機制,以及它們如何受日 常心理壓力調節。實驗中將採用兩個作業典範:「序列反應時間作業」及「視覺動作適應作 業」來分別測量「目標導向」及「誤差導向」兩類平行的學習歷程,以求研究結論的普遍性。 所有統計檢驗會將日常生活壓力變化指標納入線性混合模式分析(linear-mixed model analysis) 中的獨變項之一,以探討其對各情況下學習曲線及腦部活化的影響。在其他可能影響學習歷 程的獨變項操弄方面:實驗一與二將探討當下被誘發之壓力強度、實驗三與四將探討學習時 程安排、實驗五與六則探討學習後左右手之遷移效果。本計畫之成果將為日常基準心理壓力 這個背景變項與其他學習相關獨變項如何交互影響外顯與內隱動作學習提供解釋,而可以應 用於管理個體如何面對不同時間尺度之心理壓力來源以達成有效之動作學習。 ;Mental stress has pervasive impacts on human cognition. However, most experimental studies only examined the influence of acutely induced stress but not the daily variation of stress level on cognitive functions. How stress modulates different parallel motor learning processes has also rarely been explored. As a component of the integrative project applying a daily sampling system to study impacts of variations in daily stress level on cognition, the current project proposes a series of six FMRI experiments to investigate the nature of explicit and implicit motor learning and how are they modulated by daily mental stress. Two task paradigms will be adopted, namely the serial reaction time task and the visuomotor adaptation task, to examine motor learning processes under the contexts of goal-driven and error-driven learning, respectively. In all experiments, measures reflecting daily mental stress level recorded by DSS will be use as covariates in the linear mixed model for analyzing the learning curve and neuroimaging data. In terms of the focus in the learning process, Experiment 1 and 2 will examine impacts of acute stress, Experiments 3 and 4 will examine the influence of learning schedule, and finally Experiment 5 and 6 will look into how learning is transferred between hands. Outcomes of the current project will be informative about how baseline stress level interacts with other independent variables to modulate explicit and implicit learning process, and may be useful for managing mental stress of different time scale for effective motor learning.