測驗效應指的是相對於⼀再重複學習的項⽬,我們對於被重複測試的項⽬有較好的記憶 與學習效果。雖然已有許多實驗室內的以及在教室現場進⾏的研究使⽤各種材料探討測驗效 應,但到⽬前仍沒有研究檢視⼼理壓⼒如何調控影響測驗效應。本計劃因此希望利⽤⾏為實 驗,事件相關腦電位,以及腦磁波作為研究⼯具,探討測驗效應的認知及神經機制,以及這 些機制如何受到壓⼒的改變進⽽調控測驗的效應。 本計畫共含六個實驗,實驗⼀將建⽴⼀個基本的測驗效應實驗典範並探討測驗與學習嘗 試的出現⽅式對於測驗效應的影響。實驗⼆將根據實驗⼀的結果,利⽤腦磁波探討⽬前已知 的記憶登錄及提取運作機制各⾃對於測驗效應的貢獻。實驗三及四則在建⽴探討⼼理壓⼒對 於測驗效應影響的實驗典範,並據以利⽤腦磁波檢視實驗⼀⼆所發現的登錄及提取機制如何 受到壓⼒影響,進⽽改變測驗效應。實驗五將討論測驗效應是否⾜以對抗急性壓⼒對於學夷 與記憶的影響。實驗六則將探討壓⼒對於⾮語⽂動作學習的測驗效應之影響。 我們預期實驗結果可增進對壓⼒以及學習記憶的基礎認知運作的了解,並能作為教育現 場測驗設計與實施應⽤的基礎。 ;The testing effect refers to the better memories for repetitively tested items in comparison to repetitively studied ones. Although the testing effect has been examined in laboratory and classrooms with various kinds of materials, the issue of whether and how psychological stress modulates the testing effect has not yet been explored. The current project will employ the MEG to investigate the cognitive operations and neural mechanisms underlying the testing effect and how they are modulated psychological stress. A total of six experiments are proposed in this project. Experiment I will develop the basic paradigm of the testing effect. Experiment II will examine the neural mechanisms underlying the testing effect, focusing on the encoding and retrieval processes that are thought to contribute to the testing effect. Experiment III aims to develop a procedure that can examine whether and how the testing effect is modulated by psychological stress. Experiment IV will examine how the neural mechanisms underlying the testing effect are modulated by the psychological stress. Experiment V will examine the robustness of the testing effect when the learner encounters situational stress. Experiment VI will examine the cognitive operations and neural mechanisms underlying the testing effect for non-verbal motor learning task. It is expected that the findings of this project will advance our understanding of how stress modulates learning and memory. In addition, these findings can serve the basis for the design and administrations of tests in education settings.