目前服務導向架構的重點還是在於資料、邏輯和服務之間的合作,其核心原則(低度耦合、重用性)鮮少擴及到使用者介面的層次,以致於服務與終端使用者與之間出現了一道鴻溝,其中並沒有一個人機介面提供給雙方作互動,而是必須由具備技術能力的程式設計師撰寫使用者介面去包裝Web Service所提供的資料來呈現給終端使用者,這份撰寫使用者介面的工作也不斷的在重複發生。為了解決此一問題,本研究希望設計一個框架,以一個基於XUL的Web Service GUI作為介面描述,並將之渲染成網路瀏覽器可呈現的GUI,以此來達到服務遞送的目的。 在這個框架之上,我們實作了一個服務使用者介面渲染引擎來驗證此研究的設計,以及輔助我們對這篇論文進行闡述。透過這個引擎,終端使用者能直接經由使用者介面來與Web Service互動;而在使用者介面的技術裡,過去傳統的使用者介面已逐漸不敷使用,為了呈現複雜的商業流程人機互動,我們將以豐富網路應用程式作為前端,以期達到服務遞送的目的。透過使用者介面的服務遞送,面向使用者之服務導向架構的價值與優點也將更能被彰顯。 Current SOA focuses on the business services that provide data and logic, it’s core principles of loose coupling and re-usable are not applied at the User Interface level. There is a gap between SOA-based services and end-user due to the lack of user interface. Every time we invoke a web service, there is always a programmer who has to design user interface for presenting the data of web service, and the work repeat itself. In order tosolve the problem, we tried to construct a framework which could deliver SOA-based services to end-user through graphical user interface. Based on this framework, we set up a Service User Interface Rendering Engine to verify our design and as an aid of our study. With this engine, end-user can interact with Web Service througn graphical user interface directly. However, the traditional user interface did not satisfy today’s requirement which is sophiscated ever. For providing greatly enhanced usability, we decide to design a rich internet application as our front-end. All of these work is made to deliver Web Service. The value and advantage of user-centric SOA could be manifested since servive delivery through user interface.