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    Showing items 551-600 of 1381. (28 Page(s) Totally)
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    2010 Tectonic evolution of the Northeastern South China Sea from seismic interpretation Yeh,YC; Sibuet,JC; Hsu,SK; Liu,CS
    2010 The Deep Electrical Structure of Southern Taiwan and Its Tectonic Implications Chiang,CW; Chen,CC; Unsworth,M; Bertrand,E; Chen,CS; Thong,DK; Hsu,HL
    2010 Three-dimensional Qp- and Qs-tomography beneath Taiwan orogenic belt: implications for tectonic and thermal structure Wang,YJ; Ma,KF; Mouthereau,F; Eberhart-Phillips,D
    2010 Uncertainty and Spatial Correlation of Earthquake Ground Motion in Taiwan Sokolov,V; Wenzel,F; Jean,WY; Wen,KL
    2009-12-21 台灣東部海域地震觀測研究暨儀器研發; A study of earthquake observation in the eastern offshore Taiwan and Developing of OBS instruments 林慶仁; Ching-ren Lin
    2009-09-01 宜蘭平原大規模地震境況模擬---總計畫暨子計畫---宜蘭平原之地震動微分區(III);Large Scale Earthquakes Scenario Simulation of Ilan Plain---Seismic Microzonation of Ilan Plain (III) 溫國樑
    2009-09-01 越南河內都會區之地震危險性評估;The Analysis of Seismic Hazard in the Hanoi City of Vietnam 溫國樑
    2009-09-01 地震前兆監測—重力重複觀測與地磁連續資料分析(III);Study on Earthquake Precursors by Gravity and Geomagnetic Data Analysis (III) 顏宏元
    2009-09-01 自由場強震網資料收集及分析-中部地區(III);Taiwan Strong Motion Instrument Program Field System Data Acquisition and Analysis-Central Taiwan (III) 王乾盈
    2009-09-01 都會區地震研究整合計畫---都會區深部地下構造震測研究(IV)---宜蘭平原;Reflection Seismic Study of the Underground Structure in the Urban Area (IV)---Ilan Plain 王乾盈
    2009-09-01 大台北地區特殊地質災害調查與監測第二期:台灣東北海域地質及地球物理資料彙編與分析(2/4);Investigation and monitoring the special geological hazards in metropolitan Taipei (Ⅱ)-Geological and geophysical data collection and analysis, offshore northeast Taiwan (2/4) 林殿順; 許樹坤
    2009-09-01 花東海盆海底地殼特性研究;Tectonic Characteristics Study in the Huatang Basin Area 林靜怡; 許樹坤
    2009-09-01 強地震與弱地震起始波相探討(III) 馬國鳳
    2009-09-01 利用單位海嘯模擬來建立台灣海域近海海嘯預警系統;英文:A nearfield Tsunami warning system in Taiwan by unit tsuanmi 陳伯飛
    2009-09-01 台灣與菲律賓的地體動力學研究---馬尼拉隱沒帶之表面波速研究 陳伯飛
    2009-09-01 地震與活動斷層---台灣深部電性構造研究(III) 陳洲生
    2009-09-01 計算地震學研究整合計畫---複雜構造成像與模擬的前緣研究---三維震源與構造成像的探討;Imaging and Modeling of Complex Structure---a Unified 3d Crustal Structure and Source Studies 陳浩維; 趙里
    2009-09-01 台灣地區場址效應微分區之研究與應用(III);A Study On Site Effect and Microzonation in Taiwan (III) 溫國樑
    2009-07-10 台灣地區強地動衰減式研究與路徑效應分析; Ground-motion attenuation relationship and path-effect study using Taiwan Data set 林柏伸; Po-Shen Lin
    2009-07-10 台灣地區參考莫荷面傾角變化的探討; Spatial Dip Angle Variation of TRMDM (Taiwan Reference Moho Discontinuity Model) 徐魁江; Kui-jiang Xu
    2009-07-10 台灣東部縱谷南端之活動構造研究; Active Tectonic in the Southern Tip of Longitudinal Valley of Eastern Taiwan 劉瑋恒; Wei-Heng Liu
    2009-07-07 利用重力資料探討台灣及其鄰近地區之三維地下構造; The 3D tectonic structures of Taiwan and surrounding areas from gravity data 謝獻祥; Hsien-Hsiang Hsieh
    2009-07-07 利用遠地地震儀陣列評估台灣地區中大規模地震之震源深度; Investigation of Source Depths of Major Events in Taiwan Area Using a Dense Array at Teleseismic Distances 陳怡如; Yi-Ru Chen
    2009-07-07 利用單位海嘯模擬方法建立台灣近海海嘯警報系統; A Near-field Tsunami Warning System in Taiwan by Unit Tsunami Method 林柏佑; Po-Yu Lin
    2009-07-07 區域性山崩潛感分析方法探討-以石門水庫集水區為例; Probe into the Regional Landslide Susceptibility Analysis-a case study in the Shimen Reservoir Catchment Area 鐘意晴; Yi-Ching Chung
    2009-07-04 大地震破裂方向性研究; Rupture Directivity Analysis for Large Earthquakes 張若磐; Jo-Pan Chang
    2009-07-03 彈性與非彈性模型參數擾動對於走時與振幅異常敏感度算核之影響; Study on the sensitivities of seismic traveltimes and amplitudes to elastic and anelastic model perturbations 謝銘哲; Ming-Che Hsieh
    2009-07-02 含藍閃石之角閃岩與變質基性岩之關係以及其礦物化學研究; The Contact Relationship between Amphibolite with Glaucophane and Metabasite and their Mineral Chemistry 邱琮翔; Cong-Siang Chiu
    2009-06-30 以中尺度反射震測法研究屯子腳斷層活動機制及構造上的意義; Investigating Active Mechanisms of the Tuntzuchiao Fault by Multiple-scaled Reflection Seismic Methods 李奕亨; Yi-Heng Li
    2009-06-29 台灣西北部漸新世至更新世盆地演化及層序地層; Oligocene to Pleistocene basin development and sequence stratigraphy in northwest Taiwan 邱維毅; Wei-Yi Chiu
    2009-06-29 TCDP井下地震儀陣列之波形分析斷層帶的衰減特性; The Q Value of the Chelungpu Fault Zone derived from TCDP Borehole Seismometers 李孟潔; Meng-Chieh Lee
    2009-06-27 應用永久散射體差分干涉法觀測台灣北部地區之地表變形; Measurement of Surface Deformation in Northern Taiwan by Using PSInSAR Techniques 周鋒泯; Fong-min Chou
    2009-06-27 大地電磁法應用在台灣地區之海岸效應; Coast effect on magnetotelluric data in Taiwan Island 魏多堂; Kieu Duy Thong
    2009-06-16 微地動特性的研究及應用; Study and Application of the Microtremor Characteristics 郭俊翔; Chun-Hsiang Kuo
    2009-06-16 利用遠震接收函數法推求橫跨台灣中部之莫荷面深度; Analyzing the TAIGER broadband array records with teleseismic receiver function to investigate the Moho depth inCentral Taiwan 蕭惠文; Hui-wen Hsiao
    2009-06-16 台中-埔里重力低區之研究; The Study of Gravity Low in Taichung-Puli Area 柯展; Chan Ke
    2009-06-16 利用波線追跡法探討台灣莫荷面深度; Detecting Moho Boundary under Taiwan by Ray-tracing Method 郭耀文; Yao-wen Kuo
    2009-06-16 埔里盆地之震測研究; Reflection Seismic Studies in the Puli Basin 柯瑞祥; Ruei-Siang Ke
    2009-06-15 台灣西部平原之淺部速度構造、場址特性及三維震波模擬; Shallow velocity structure, site effect and 3D seismic wave simulation of the western plain of Taiwan 林哲民; Che-Min Lin
    2009-06-05 TCDP井下地震儀之觀測與微地震尺度分析; Observation and Scaling of Microevents from TCDP Borehole Seismometers 林彥宇; Yen-Yu Lin
    2009-06-05 南海北坡高解析水深調查與淺層地質的構造分析; Seafloor structure analysis with high resolution bathymetry survey in the northern margin of the South China Sea 陳冠廷; Kuan-Ting Chen
    2009-06-05 南海北部之磁力異常特徵分析; Magnetic features in the northern South China Sea 黃乾瑋; Chien-wei Huang
    2009-06-01 中台灣造山運動帶河流縱剖面構造地形指標之量化分析; A Quantitative Analysis for Tectonic Geomorphology Indices of Longitudinal River Profile on the Orogeny of Central Taiwan 李準勝; Lee Chun-Sheng
    2009-05-26 利用微地動量測探討台灣地區之場址效應; Using Microtremor Measurement To Study The Site Effect In Taiwan Area 黃雋彥; Jyun-yan Huang
    2009-05-26 場址特性分析及最大速度衰減模式校正; A Study on the Classification of Site Effects and Its Correction in Attenuation Relationship of Peak Ground Velocity 章順強; Shun-chiang Chang
    2009-05-22 活動斷層電性研究 — 以湖口、新城及山腳斷層為例;Studies of Electrical Characteristics of Hukou, Hsincheng and Sanchiao Active Faults, Northern Taiwan. 劉興昌; Hsin-chang Liu
    2009-05-14 有機材料生油潛能評估與烴類成熟度參數相關性研究; The study for correlation between evaluation of organic-matter petroleum potential and hydrocarbon maturity parameters 李顯宗; Hsien-Tsung Lee
    2009-05-01 98年地球物理研究所微積分試題 地球物理研究所
    2009-05-01 98年地球物理研究所電磁學試題 地球物理研究所
    2009-05-01 98年地球物理研究所普通物理學試題 地球物理研究所

    Showing items 551-600 of 1381. (28 Page(s) Totally)
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