在電腦及網路尚未普及的時代,人與人之間的相處,人的記憶會隨著時間的經過而淡忘。反觀現在,隨著科技發展,電腦跟網路的普及,資訊數位化、資料儲存便利、搜尋引擎幫助資訊檢索更加快速,使得資訊散播到世界各個角落,藉由電腦及網路將一切透過數據記錄下來,這些數據軌跡一再被搜索,形成對個人人格與隱私的衝擊或影響,在數位資訊社會下請求刪除數據軌跡的被遺忘權乃應運而生。 被遺忘權最早起源於歐盟,透過2014年歐盟法院針對Google Spain v AEPD案所作成之見解,歐盟個人資料保護指令(95/46/EC)、歐盟第29條個人資料保護工作小組指南、Google被遺忘權諮詢委員會報告書、歐盟個人資料保護規則(GDPR),逐步建構出歐盟被遺忘權之完整架構。 被遺忘權回歸至我國法制中討論,可從憲法第22條所保障之一般行動自由、隱私權、資訊自決權推導而出。透過深入探討施建新案例,可知我國司法實務初步肯認被遺忘權為憲法所保障,至於主張被遺忘權之具體法律規範,因我國未如同歐盟將被遺忘權明文規定於條文中,故仍須回歸至民法及個人資料保護法等規定加以主張,再由法院依個案情況具體判斷之。目前我國個人資料保護法之規定尚足以作為保障被遺忘權的基礎,唯標準仍不明確,有賴於司法實務案例逐步建構被遺忘權之操作方式及判斷標準,以作為進一步立法的參考。 近期最火熱之區塊鏈,其「不可竄改」之特性,不可避免地會與被遺忘權「請求刪除或移除」之要求產生扞格之處,本文亦嘗試提出初步解決方法。 ;Before computer and internet popularized, people′s memories faded away over time. Nowadays, internet development is growing rapidly, and the people would search more information by search engine on the internet, which speed up the information retrieval and spread over the world. These personal data not only can be recorded through internet, but also can be searched again and again. As the result, it might impact or influence personal privacy. ”The right to be forgotten” gives individuals the right to ask organizations to delete their personal data , that brings a hot discussion. “The right to be forgotten” comes from the European Union. In the case of Google Spain v AEPD Court of Justice of the European Union pointed out that the data subject could request erasure of the personal data which is available in the search results. After that, Directive 95/46/EC, the guidelines of article 29 working party, the report of the advisory council to google on the right to be forgotten and General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), built up the framework of “the right to be forgotten”. On the basis of article 22 of the constitution of Taiwan, “the right to be forgotten” is guaranteed by general freedom, right to privacy and right to informational self-determination. Although the personal information protection act and civil code cover “the right to be forgotten”, the judging criteria is undefined yet. In the future, the upcoming legal reform should take into consideration the judging criteria resulting from courts’ judgments. “Blockchain” is the hot topic in recent years. The said “immutability” of blockchain may conflict with the right to be forgotten, i.e. the right to require removal. This thesis tries to provide a preliminary solution.