隨著物聯網技術與車用電子的快速普及,為了要實現智慧車載環境,現在汽車嵌入式系統需要處理感測器之感測資訊,但是由於車載環境具有無法持續穩定供電的特性,例如在汽車引擎熄火後所有電子裝置僅能仰賴電瓶供電,所以大部分的車載系統為了減少電力消耗會切換系統狀態至待命或者切斷電源,等待引擎發動時在切換回工作狀態,因此如何縮短嵌入式系統在狀態切換所消耗之時間就成了一個迫切需要解決的問題。快速啟動技術主要是根據嵌入式系統之特性,透過優化資料傳輸與減少不必要之初始化步驟,使得系統能夠以更短的時間進入可工作狀態,本研究將會在現存之加速技術中,選出適合現今嵌入式系統架構之技術,並針對所遇到之問題提出解決辦法,經過實驗測試,優化後的效能相較優化前減少了70%的啟動時間。;With the rapid popularization of the Internet of things and automotive electronics, the modern embedded system automotive needs to process information from sensors to help achieve an intelligent vehicle environment. The automotive environment has the characteristic of unstable power supply. For example, when the car flameout and the only power supply is car battery, the embedded system on the car should enter the standby mode or just shut down to save power. When the engine starts, the system comes back to the working mode. However, this procedure takes time, and it will become a problem if this procedure takes too long. Hence we need a fast booting mechanism to reduce the initializing time of the embedded system. The fast booting mechanism is mainly based on the characteristics of the embedded platform. Several types of techniques are popular: first is to bypass the unnecessary part of the booting procedure, second is to create a snapshot when the system is totally initialized, then resume the system by load the snapshot back when next booting, last is reduce booting time by changing the algorithm that used by booting procedure. This paper presents some the techniques that fit in the modern embedded systems and proposes a solution to this problem. Through experimental tests, the optimized systems initialize time is 70% faster than the original system.