因網際網路的普及,收發電子郵件已成為日常行為的一部分,是目前人與人、企業與企業間最便利也最快速的溝通訊息管道,也因為電子郵件系統有著這樣的特性,每天都有數以千萬的用戶,利用此管道進行訊息的傳遞,其中的使用行為是否合乎常理是值得關注的議題,有些帳號被用來濫發各種廣告信件,甚或進行所謂的詐騙行為與違法犯紀事件,造成的經濟犯罪損失更逐年增加。所以,為了預訪使用者出現此類的異常行為發生,此研究將使用者在日常使用電子郵件的軌跡進行統計、分析,根據其過往的使用行為進行比對,進而判斷、推論出是否有帳號已成為潛在或是高風險的危險因子。 本研究使用商業智慧 (BI) 工具Tableau,來處理伺服器中大量的非結構化的email日誌,將個案公司之電子郵件記錄進行資料分析,建立報表、儀表板及資料視覺效果,使管理者、使用者均能了解帳號的使用情況與軌跡,對於異常行為能夠提早告警並進行因應對策。 ;Due to the popularity of the Internet, sending and receiving e-mail has become a part of daily behavior, and it is the most convenient and fastest communication channel among people and among enterprises. Because of these characteristics, email system is used widely to deliver messages by tens of millions of users every day. However, whether the user behavior is reasonable is an issue of concern. Some accounts are used to spam all kinds of advertising letters or even commit fraud and illegal crimes. The losses caused by economic crimes are increasing year by year. Therefore, in order to prevent account errors, the study will investigate and analyze the record of users’ using emails on a daily basis. Based on the email record history, I can infer whether an account has become a potential or high-risk factor. In the study, BI(Business Intelligence)is used to process large amounts of unstructured data, analyze the email record history of the case-study company, and create tables, dashboards, and data visualization. Therefore, managers and users are able to know whether the email accounts are used inappropriately and take precautions or countermeasures when account error occurs.