社群平台的大量使用者使企業更容易推動行銷策略,也因為社群媒體帶來的好處,吸引許多企業投入資源進行促銷及品牌經營。而社群媒體上使用者在社群上的動態及參與行為能在社群上形成口碑效應並將資訊傳播至好友圈,許多企業與學者都投入資源研究社群媒體貼文策略(Message Strategies)。隨著使用者逐漸習慣使用社群媒體作為資訊接收的來源,許多醫療公司才剛剛開始採用這項工具,因此對於應該使用什麼樣的策略並不清楚。 本研究以內容分析法分析 Fortune 1000 之醫療企業經營的社群媒體及其採用的貼文策略,研究結果發現使用者參與中「按讚」的數量不受任何策略影響;「留言」的數量以採用知覺策略時最為顯著;而「分享」的數量則以知覺與感性策略最顯著。總結本研究以 Fortune 之標竿企業作為研究對象,能作為醫療產業之企業社群經營上的指導方針。 ;The massive users of social media has made it easier for companies to implement marketing strategies. In light of the benefits social media can offer, companies are attracted to invest more resources to promote sales and brand value. Because user engagement behavior on social media can cause WOM, spreading the information to more users. Lots of researchers had tried to understand what strategies companies should use when developing their social media posts. As users get used to using social media as a source of information, healthcare companies are just started to use it. They don’t know what strategies should be adopted. In this research, we analyzed healthcare companies in Fortune 1000 and their message strategies adoption. We found that user engagement in Like is not affected by any strategies. Numbers of Comment is most prominent when adopting cognitive strategy. Numbers of Share can be affected with both cognitive and emotional strategies. This research can serve as a guideline for healthcare companies in managing their brand pages.