車用的連接器(CONNECTOR)是車用電線上最重要的電裝部品之一;不過,近年來車輛廢氣排放標準的法規日趨嚴苛,車輛輕量化的需求則為越來越高;其中,車用的連接器也漸漸地朝小型化設計趨勢,然而伴隨著連接器小型化的設計,對於連接器的製造品質要求也越來越高。 現況,電線製造廠商在端子與電線鉚壓過後的品質管制上,僅簡易地確認端子Crimp-high尺寸,但實際上這樣的方式無法完全確保端子鉚壓工程品質;有鑑於此,本論文希望能夠建立一套可靠且信賴性高的實驗方法及流程來確保端子鉚壓工程品質。 本研究論文利用端子鉚壓部影像量測系統(CCD Vision image Hunter System)來觀察端子斷面的鉚壓狀況,並以不同鉚壓率條件的端子來進行溫度上升實驗,以探討端子鉚壓部在不同鉚縮率的條件下其接觸阻抗與溫度上升的關係;其實驗結果與計算理論值進行分析比較後,得到端子最合適的鉚壓條件,確保端子與電線的鉚壓品質;本論文研究將可提供電線製造商一個可靠且高信賴的端子鉚壓品質方法。 ;The connector for the vehicle is one of the most important electrical components on the vehicle wire. However, the regulations for vehicle emission standards have become more stringent and the demand for lightweight vehicles has increased sharply in recent years. This eventually contributes to the trend towards miniaturization in vehicle connector, leading to higher quality requirement in the manufacturing process. Currently, only the crimp height is being checked, during the quality control for the connector manufacturing process. However, checking the crimp height alone could not completely assure the quality of the crimping termination. Therefore, this study is being conducted to establish a reliable testing method and to propose a crimping process to assure the quality of the crimping termination. In this paper, experiment is conducted to determine the relationship between the contact resistance of the terminal and its temperature rise, at different crimping rate. During the experiment, CCD Vision Image Hunter System is used to inspect the microsection of the crimped terminal. After comparing the experimental and theoretical results, the optimum crimping condition is determined, with satisfactory crimping termination for the wire barrel. The findings from this research will provide a reliable method of the crimping process for the electrical wire manufacturers in future.