近年來政府所推動之公共工程中,多數已在規劃、設計、施工、營運與維護階段中導入建築資訊建模(BIM)。BIM以其視覺化的功能,使得協作、溝通與成果檢核更為容易,進而提升專案的品質。由於BIM模型將隨著專案發展承載越來越多的重要資訊,若模型的品質有問題,意味著未來模型提供錯誤資訊的可能性也會增加。由於BIM模型的品質好壞是影響BIM技術在專案中能否發揮預期效益的重要因素,因此若要在工程專案不同階段中提供正確資訊,BIM模型品質控制與保證是非常重要的。本研究透過文獻回顧與個案分析的方法,釐清目前BIM在建置的流程與影響BIM模型品質的因子,並利用建築結構模型為範圍,分析確認造成BIM模型品質不良的錯誤態樣與其分類方式,進而提出每一個錯誤態樣在Revit軟體中可行的檢查方法。期望本研究提出改善BIM模型品質之模型建置流程與相關作法,可以做為未來提升BIM模型品質之參考模式。;For the past few years, more and more projects use the Building Information Modeling (BIM) technique in their project lifecycle, including planning, design, construction, operation and maintenance phases. BIM provides the function of visualization to make cooperation, communication and outcomes inspection more easily. Consequently, it improves the quality of construction projects. BIM will record more important information with project progress, if BIM models have quality problems, it implies it is possible to provide incorrect information for users. That is, the quality of BIM model is essential for whether BIM technique can achieve the expected benefits in construction projects. To control the quality of BIM models plays a key role in providing correct information in different phase of construction projects. Through the literature review and a case study analyzing on structure and architecture models in two building projects, this study clarifies the model construction process of from 2D design to BIM at construction stages, and then identifies the factors affecting quality of BIM models and their error patterns. Furthermore, this study develops a model inspection approach for improving model quality by using Revit built-in function. It is anticipated that the identified quality error pattern and proposed process can help the practice to improve the quality of BIM models in the future.