Abstract: | 本研究應用爐內催化熱裂解技術及爐外高溫淨化系統,探討含溴玻璃纖維在 催化裂解過程,提升產能效率及污染物去除之可行性,其中試驗溫度控制於600℃, 爐內個別添加之催化劑分別為沸石及鍛燒白雲石,催化劑添加配比介於25 wt.% 至100 wt.%。爐外高溫淨化系統操作溫度控制於250℃,期進一步評估高溫淨化 系統對生質油品質提升及污染物去除之影響。 研究結果顯示,含溴玻璃纖維熱裂解產物主要以焦碳及生質油為主,分別為 75.45%及16.13%,當爐內添加25 wt.%、50 wt.%及100 wt.%之沸石及煅燒白雲 石之條件,生質油產率明顯降低,其中添加沸石之試驗結果,由未添加沸石之 16.13%,降低至添加100 wt.%沸石之9.55%,添加煅燒白雲石對生質油產率降低 之影響更為明顯,當添加100 wt.%煅燒白雲石之條件時,生質油產率降低至3.65%。 然而,根據生質油之特性分析結果可知,爐內添加催化劑對降低生質油之黏滯度 有顯著之影響,其中添加沸石之試驗結果,生質油之O/C 比,由0.44 降至0.31, 而添加煅燒白雲石之試驗結果,生質油之O/C 比更明顯由0.44 降至0.15。此外, 生質油之熱值則隨添加爐內催化劑後,明顯有增加之現象,分別由未添加催化劑 之4,693 kcal/kg,增加至5,585 kcal/kg(100 wt.%沸石)及7,120 kcal/kg(100 wt.%煅 燒白雲石)。 應用爐外高溫淨化系統之試驗結果顯示,高溫淨化系統亦會降低生質油產率, 其中沸石、煅燒白雲石及活性碳之個別型高溫淨化系統,生質油產率分別降至 7.39%、4.20%及4.51%。然而,整合型高溫淨化系統對生質油產率之影響更為明 顯,其生質油產率降低至3.83%。而根據生質油之特性分析結果可知,整合型高 溫淨化系統之試驗結果,生質油之O/C 比降至0.35,沸石、煅燒白雲石及活性碳 之個別型高溫淨化系統,生質油O/C 比分別降至0.23、0.09 及0.11。此外,生質 油之熱值隨高溫淨化系統之應用,亦有增加之現象,熱值增加至5,529 kcal/kg(整 合型)、6,526 kcal/kg(沸石)、7,927 kcal/kg(煅燒白雲石)及7,543 kcal/kg(活性碳)。根據污染物之去除結果顯示,爐內添加催化劑能降低含溴玻璃纖維中之溴含 量,其中添加沸石之試驗結果,溴之去除率達25.42%(100 wt.%沸石),而添加煅 燒白雲石之試驗結果,溴之去除率達18.98%(25 wt.%煅燒白雲石)。應用爐外高溫 淨化系統對溴之去除效果更為明顯,應用整合型爐外高溫淨化系統,溴去除率達 37.63%;沸石、煅燒白雲石及活性碳之個別型高溫淨化系統,溴去除率分別達 45.58%、50.68%及14.09%,綜合上述結果所示,爐外連接高溫淨化程序系統之溴 去除效果較爐內添加催化劑之效果佳。 整體而言,本研究已建立含溴玻璃纖維之基本特性、熱裂解技術評估能源轉 換效率,以及污染物質溴排放特性之評估,研究成果應可提供未來含溴玻璃纖維 能源技術選擇,及污染物質溴排放控制策略之重要參考依據。;This research investigates that the feasibility of energy yields as well as the bromine partitioning and emission characterization in catalytic pyrolysis of brominated glass fiber by using fixed bed reactor with controlled at pyrolysis temperature 600℃ and 25~100 wt.% mineral catalyst (zeolite and calcined dolomite) addition. The hot gas cleaning system was also used to evaluate the enhancement on pyrolytic oil quality and the contaminants removal with controlled at temperature 250℃. The experimental results indicated that the major pyrolytic products of brominated glass fiber are consisted of 75.45% char and 16.13% oil, respectively. The pyrolytic oil yield was decreased significantly with the catalysts addition ration increasing. In the case of zeolite addition, the pyrolytic oil production decreased from 16.13% (without zeolite) to 9.55% (with 100 wt.% zeolite). Meanwhile, in the case of 100% calcined dolomite addition, the pyrolytic oil production was significantly decreased to 3.65%. However, according to the results of pyrolytic oil characteristics analysis, decreasing the viscosity of pyrolytic oil was significantly affected by catalyst added. The O/C ratio of pyrolytic oil was decreased from 0.44 to 0.31 with an increase in zeolite addition. When the calcined dolomite added, the O/C ratio of pyrolytic oil was significantly decreased to 0.15. In addition, the heating value of the pyrolytic oil was also significantly increased from 4,693 kcal/kg (without catalyst) to 5,585 kcal/kg (with 100 wt.% zeolite) and 7,120 kcal/ kg (with 100 wt.% calcined dolomite), respectively. The results obviously showed that the pyrolytic oil yield was also decreased by using the hot gas cleaning system. In the case of individual hot gas cleaning system equipped with zeolite, calcined dolomite and activated carbon, the pyrolytic oil yields were decreased to 7.39%, 4.20% and 4.51%, respectively. However, the integration of hot gas cleaning system depicted a significant effect on the pyrolytic oil yield during pyrolysis process. The pyrolytic oil was approximately decreased to 3.83%. According to the results of the pyrolytic oil characteristics analysis, the O/C ratio of pyrolytic oil was decreased to 0.35 by integration of hot gas cleaning system used. In the case of activated carbon application, the O/C ratio of pyrolytic oil was significantly decreased to 0.11. It implied the pyrolytic oil quality had been improved. Moreover, in the case of hot gas cleaning system application, the heating value of pyrolytic oil increased from 4,693 kcal/kg (without hot gas cleaning system) to 5,529 kcal/kg (integration system), 6,526 kcal/kg (with zeolite only), 7,927 kcal/kg (with calcined dolomite only) and 7,543 kcal/kg (with activated carbon only), respectively. The bromine removal efficiency results were showed that the bromine content in brominated glass fiber was decreased with catalyst addition increasing. In the case of 100% zeolite and 25% calcined dolomite addition, the bromine removal efficiency were 25.42% and 18.98%, respectively. On the other hand, the bromine removal efficiency was approximately 37.63% when the integration of hot gas cleaning system was used. In the case of individual hot gas cleaning system, bromine removal efficiencies were 45.58% (with zeolite), 50.68% (with calcined dolomite), and 14.09% (with activated carbon), respectively. Based on the above results, the hot gas cleaning system for bromine removal could be better than that of catalyst added in the reactor. In summary, the basic characteristics of brominated glass fiber and energy conversion efficiency by pyrolysis were well established, but also the bromine emissions characteristics was assessed. Therefore, the results of this study could provide the good information for brominated glass fiber in selection of pyrolysis technologies and control strategies of bromine emission in the future. |