宋慶齡和宋美齡傳奇跌宕的生平,屢經兩岸三地改寫改編為小說和影劇作品,創作者重組史料擷取軼聞,編織細節賦予想像,對照可見形塑國母性格形象和內在情感的差異,與對歷史政治詮釋觀點的分歧。 臺灣作家平路小說《行道天涯》(1995),採交錯併陳的結構,鋪陳宋慶齡的軼聞,及幽居生活中和時局格格不入的心境,多重視角和意識流手法富於實驗性。姊妹作〈百齡箋〉(1998)以更為明顯的後設手法,探索宋美齡面對個體和家國歷史的態度,兩篇小說皆意圖以女性意識解構大歷史,鋪陳寡居生涯中按捺的情慾,而情節的合理性和對人物心理的掌握,尚存在可商榷之處。 九七年上映的香港電影《宋家皇朝》(1997),著重鋪敘浪漫的婚戀歷程,和姊妹間既友愛又競爭的幽微情誼,宋慶齡形象熱誠直率,喪夫後慨然堅毅擁護理想;宋美齡重現實名利、善於應變,各領一代風華。中共慶祝建國六十年的歷史大片《建國大業》(2009),企圖透過宏大的敘事建構開國偉業,影片塑造宋慶齡雍容的大家風範,面對世變沉著應對,延續了中共對孫夫人政治形象的定位並向其禮敬;宋美齡面對兵敗如山倒的家國變局,則顯得急切而勢利,無遠大理念抱負。 臺灣大風劇場音樂劇《世紀回眸‧宋美齡》(2006)風格抒情磅礡,人物形象正面,突顯人際間的和解,展現亂世中的堅持和選擇,舞台呈現富於象徵意味,召喚觀眾對歷史的集體記憶。香港話劇團舞台劇《如此長江》(2003)主題圍繞在被夢想出賣的痛苦,延續前兩部中港電影尊慶貶美的傾向。 這些文學影劇多以照片作為重要道具,賦予延伸的想像。本計畫探討創作者如何以不同的文藝形式重構國母殊異的樣貌,或為破除神話還原凡俗面貌,或鞏固形象強化象徵意味。與此同時,也折射了各地政治時代背景,和創作者的詮釋觀點。 ;The chequered past of Soong Qingling’s and Soong Meiling’s legendary lives have been repeatedly rewritten and adapted into novels and dramatic renditions in Mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan. The creators borrowed from historical archives to reconstruct stories by weaving details into them and giving them imagination. From the comparison of these works, differences in the way of shaping the nature and image of the mother of the nation and divergent views in the interpretation of political history can be seen. In the novel “Love and Revolution” authored by Ping Lu (1995), multiple perspectives and the narrative technique of stream of consciousness were applied to elaborate Soong Qingling’s relationship anecdotes and her state of mind of feeling unable to fit in the political situation at that time in her last years. The sister work “Bai ling jian”(1998)explored Song Meiling’s attitude towards individual and national history by means of metafiction. Both novels attempted to deconstruct the big history with female consciousness and probe into the repressed lust of the widowed mother of the nation, yet the rationality of the plot and the command of the character's psychology are still open to discussion. The Hong Kong historical drama “The Soong Sisters” (1997) focused on the romantic marriage process and the complex relationship between the sisters. Song Qingling was represented as warm, romantic, determined, and courageous while Song Meiling realistic and quick-witted, and each exhibited elegance and talent of her own. The historical film “The Founding of a Republic”(2009)supported by the Chinese Communist Party sought to construct the great cause of founding a nation through grand narratives and shape Soong Qingling’s graceful and calm demeanor, continuing her political positioning set by the CCP and paying tribute to her; in the face of turbulent situation in the country, on the other hand, Song Meiling appeared impatient and snobbish without farsighted ideas and ambitions. The Taiwanese musical “Song of Love” (2006)was in an expressive and poetic style. With positive characters, it highlighted interpersonal reconciliation, showed the persistence and choice in troubled times and aroused the collective memory of the audience. The play "The Soongs: By Dreams Betrayed"(2014)of Hong Kong queried and argued again and again about pursuing and betraying dreams, continuing the tendency of "venerating Song Qingling while depreciating Song Meiling” in the foregoing two Chinese and Hong Kong films This project explored how creators reconstructed the various aspects of the mother of the nation in varied forms of literature and art either to break the myth and have their secular sides restored or to consolidate their images and intensify the symbolic meaning. At the same time, it also reflected the political background of the times in three areas and the creators’ perspectives in their interpretations.