1950和1951這兩年是中國大陸全面改造/改革戲曲的起步階段,其間曾有過重要的政策和機構調整。然而,在現有關於中國大陸戲曲改革的著述中,有關這兩年的論述普遍簡略。本計畫將研究1950和1951這兩年中共官方出版發行的兩家重要戲曲期刊──《新戲曲》和《戲曲報》,努力發掘當年關於戲曲改革運動的第一手資料,以深入研究1950和1951這兩年中國大陸戲曲改革的歷史。本計畫由相互關聯、相互支援的兩個子題組成。第一子題將研究在北京出版的《新戲曲》。第二子題將研究在上海出版的《戲曲報》。 ;The first two years of the 1950's are the beginning stage of the Xiqu Reform Movement in the People's Republic of China, during which there were significant policy adjustments and administrative restructure in the Ministry of Culture. However, the academic studies concerning the period of Xiqu Reform Movement by far are rather simple. This research project will study two xiqu periodicals published by the government of the People's Republic of China in 1950 and 1951 in order to further explore the historical development of Xiqu Reform Movement in the two years. The project will consist of two related parts that give mutual support. The first part of the project will study The New Xiqu published in Beijing. The second part of the project will study The Xiqu Bulletin published in Shanghai.