本計畫目標在符合國家長期能源政策規劃的前提之下,不僅保持科學研究成果的創新度,並促進能源關鍵技術的重大突破,確保環境永續與綠色能源發展進程。我們企圖透過本計畫,找出基礎科學研究可突破的重大綠色技術,而且盤點本國具備良好質量應視爲科研資源的人才資料庫,希企整合我國過往已投入的大型計畫下有成效的研究項目,進行後段的連結,從中精粹出值得投入、有發展潛力、具有未來趨勢必須投入的項目,讓這些重要研究發展可以後繼有人投注其中;並且進一步訂定出各項研究發展的里程碑,並希冀在這些連結中有機發展出產官學研能夠充分合作的平台與互動模式。 ;This project aims, under the conditions of national long-term energy policies, to facilitate breakthroughs in energy technologies and concomitantly maintain the novelty of scientific research to ensure the progress in environmental sustainability and green energies in Taiwan. We attempt, through this project, to explore possible breakthroughs in green technologies and based on fundamental scientific research, and to establish human-resource data base for such researches; in addition, we find out the research topics, based on valuable results from previous large-scale projects, for further investment and investigation. We also aim to establish milestones for these research developments and platforms or models for the cooperation and interaction between government, industry and academic societies.