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題名: | 族群政治對客家社會影響之研究:以制度安排為中心-客家族群政黨認同與地方政治發展之研究:以桃竹苗地區為例;Hakka Party Identification and the Local Politics: a Study in the Region of Taoyuan, Hsinchu and Miaoli |
作者: | 周錦宏 |
貢獻者: | 國立中央大學客家語文暨社會科學學系 |
關鍵詞: | 客家;族群政治;地方派系;政黨認同;制度安排;Hakka;ethnic politics;local factions;party identification;institutional arrangement |
日期: | 2020-01-13 |
上傳時間: | 2020-01-13 14:30:02 (UTC+8) |
出版者: | 科技部 |
摘要: | 「族群」是政治衝突過程中的一種創造,少數團體經常會運用族群意識形態做為政治權力分配不均時的抗爭工具,以維護族群尊嚴。正如在「族群政治對客家社會影響之研究:以制度安排為核心」總計畫中所強調,臺灣族群政治發展與民主化轉型是多元層次與相互連動的關係。族群往往成為執政當局為彌平社會分歧而策畫的選戰動員中,刻意被操作與關注的議題。及時提出補償式正義的族群政策被視為負責任的執政權力必要的一種制度性安排與回應,勢必直接或間接衝擊地方的族群政治生態與社會發展。 族群與客家的問題,是近三十年各種公職人員選舉時都會被討論的議題,而客家族群常會被視為選舉動員、影響結果的關鍵群體,常會被歸類為較傾向支持中國國民黨或泛藍政黨的「死忠」族群,尤其是桃竹苗和花東的客家地區,但自2000年第一次政黨輪替及2001年客家委員會成立之後,客家族群對泛藍政黨認同慢慢出現鬆動的現象。相關研究也發現,「不同世代」政治態度的社會分歧因素,可能左右著政黨政治版圖的消長。年輕世代的客家族群是否會發展出「多重」的族群認同或是「中間」政黨認同之形式? 客家族群政黨認同對臺灣民主化發展有重要的影響,然過往相關研究,尤其對於地方派系,政黨認同以及制度安排之間的連動關係,較缺乏完整的觀察與論述。綜上研究目的,本子計畫一以三年為期,聚焦於桃竹苗地區客家族群的政黨認同與地方政治發展之析探,並分三階段來進行,第一階段為整合面向,整合族群政治、派系政治、政黨認同、選舉制度、臺灣政治發展史、臺灣民主化歷程等相關學術研究文獻,從制度安排的觀點下梳理臺灣客家族群政治發展的背景及變遷,以建立本子計畫一理論脈絡與分析架構;第二階段是分析面向,以政黨投票、直轄市長及縣市長選舉、立法委員選舉、總統選舉結果資料為基礎,加上地方媒體和文史工作者、客籍政治菁英、中央和地方民意代表、地方政黨幹部代表、學者專家…的深度訪談,分析桃竹苗地區客家族群的政黨認同情形,以及探討這些地方政治發展與族群問題、政黨競爭、地方政治生態、制度安排作用…等是否產生連動關係,並比較不同世代客家族群對族群問題、政黨認同的政治態度;第三階段的設計面向,則依據前述兩階段的研究成果,從制度安排及族群賦權的分析觀點,研議提升客家族群政治參與與治理機制的相關制度設計。 ;The ideology of ethnicity is easily to be created during the process of political conflicts, mostly when minority groups attempt to fight for their ethnic status faced the unequal distribution of the political power. As the main project “ Impact of ethnic politics on Hakka society: focus on the institutional arrangement” reveals the perspective: that the relationship between ethnic politics and democratic transition in Taiwan is not only multi-layered but interconnected. Ethnicity was usually seen as an intentional manipulated issue used by ruling parties to conduct an electoral mobilization against social divisions. Moreover, launching remedial justice policy became a responsive reaction of political institutional arrangement that directly or indirectly affected the development of ethnic geography and society. For nearly three decades, Hakka issues became a heatedly debated topics in each Taiwan’s elections campaign. Hakka people, historically treated as the “pan-blue” (KMT,NP,PFP) “diehard” supporters, espically those lived in the region of Taoyuan, Hsinchu , Miaoli and Huadong (花東) , always played the role as the crucial minority and the mobilized targets to affect election results. But since the parties turning happened in the presidential elections 2000 and the Democratic Progressive Party government established Council for Hakka Affairs on 14 June 2001, the Hakka“pan-blue” party identification has been changed and loosened. Related literatures suggested that not only the transition of ruling authorities mattered, the diverse ethnic political attitudes within different generations also contribute the factors of social cleavages. Hakka issues were important factors to explain Taiwan’s democratic transition and hence insufficient and greatly underestimated, particularly in the combination of three interconnected dimensions of local factions, party identities and institutional arrangement. In such a view, this project intends to propose a three years study to investigate the “TaoychuMia”(桃竹苗) Hakka people through three research stages of theoretical integration, election results analysis and designing multiple appropriate political participation mechanism to enrich the explanatory power and fulfill the understanding of the nature , prospects and complete landscapes of Hakka politics issues in nowadays Taiwan. |
關聯: | 財團法人國家實驗研究院科技政策研究與資訊中心 |
顯示於類別: | [客家語文暨社會科學學系] 研究計畫
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