這個以田啟元為軸心的系譜研究企圖追溯一個在解嚴時刻以劇場形式出檯的性異議政治,是如何內在於80年代台灣反帝解殖的左翼思想(以陳映真創立的《人間雜誌》為代表),同時探問這條有著新殖民批判意識的酷兒路線如何回應90年代初期在「本土化」進程中披著進步身段開展的同志運動。透過田啟元的新殖民性別日常之倫理探索,以及朱天文《荒人手記》對本土化的寓言批判,這條左翼酷兒路線的提出將直指身份政治生產如何以「尊重」掩蓋不問人我關係如何開展的核心問題,企圖在LGBT平權的進步風暴當下,認真思索同志運動和婦運如何走出新殖民失語精神困境,從而在當代生活中生根、延續。 ;This project proposes to construct a genealogy of the queer left in Taiwan, centering on the playwright Tien Chiyuan (田啟元,1962-1996). It seeks to show how Tien took up the challenge posed by the leftist writer/thinker Chen Yingzhen, who in his novella Zhao Nandong (《趙南棟》, 1987) called on youths of 1980s consumer society to revive the anti-imperialist leftist tradition of the 1950s. The project further explores how this line of Third World queer critical thought responds to nascent progressive movements such as academic feminism and queer activism in the 1990s. Reading Tien's macroscopic and microscopic takes on the question of woman in history alongside Zhu Tian Wen's (朱天文) allegorical critique of homonationalism in Notes of a Desolate Man (《荒人手記》, 1994), this project aims to mobilize Tien's and Zhu's critiques of neocolonial modernity in order to question the progressivist construct of the LGBT subject with its Cold War aphasia.