摘要: | 延續本人對於海德格思想之哲學溯源的探索、本研究嘗試探究康德哲學對海德格思想的影響,其中以簡稱為《康德書》(Kant-book)之海德格對於康德理論哲學的詮釋為其代表。康德與海德格兩人作為西方的原創哲學家,海德格對於康德的哲學會如何詮釋?海德格的詮釋會是忠實地反映康德的思想、抑或是發展其自身的想法?《康德書》被公認為是一本難解且充滿爭議的作品,其重要性一則可從對康德研究的角度而言,另則可從海德格思想發展的角度來看。本研究主要是以海德格如何從對康德《純粹理性批判》之詮釋發展出其自身的基本存有論考量。本文的論旨為:海德格對康德之理論哲學進行了存有論與哲學人類學的詮釋;本研究試圖提出並回答兩個問題:一則海德格的哲學到底是否可以被歸屬於哲學人類學的範疇?如果此問題能獲致肯定的答案,那麼其次則是海德格如何從康德的理論哲學詮釋推演出其哲學人類學的主張?在康德提出的先驗哲學架構基礎上—亦即、追問認識如何可能、知識的可能性條件為何—,海德格透過康德對認識之結構的分析、探討了純粹的直觀、純粹的知性、先驗構想力、時間、圖式作用等概念,獲致並彰顯了人類之有限性、以及對存有之理解作為認識的可能性條件。本研究嘗試從哲學人類學的角度深化對海德格與康德兩者哲學的理解。 ;Following my serial studies of exploring the sources of Heidegger's thought, this project tries to investigate the influence of Kantian philosophy on Heidegger's thought, among which the abbreviated "Kant-book" is the example of Heidegger's interpretation of Kant's theoretical philosophy. Kant and Heidegger are both the original thinkers in the Western philosophy, how would Heidegger interpret Kant's philosophy? Would it be faithful to Kant's thought, or would he develop his own idea? "Kant-book" is a famous work for its difficulty and controversy. Its significance can be seen, on the one hand, from the perspective of Kantian studies, on the other hand, from the development of Heidegger's thought. This study mainly takes the question how Heidegger develops his own fundamental ontology by interpreting Kant's Critique of Pure Reason in consideration. The gist of this paper is as follows: Heidegger offers ontological interpretation and philosophical anthropological one for Kant's theoretical philosophy. This investigation attempts to propose and reply to the two questions: first, whether Heidegger's philosophy could be counted as a kind of philosophical anthropology? If the answer to the question is positive, the next, how Heidegger does advance his idea of philosophical anthropology? Based on the framework of Kantian transcendental philosophy, namely, to ask how knowing is possible, and what the conditions of possibility of knowledge are, Heidegger explicates the concepts such as pure intuition, pure understanding, transcendental power of imagination, time, and schematism, etc., through Kant's analyzing the structure of knowing, and he concludes and exhibits that human finitude and the understanding of Being are the conditions of possibility of knowledge. This study attempts to deepen the understanding of Heidegger's and Kant's philosophy in the perspective of philosophical anthropology. |