摘要: | 本計畫擬協助欣鴻陽模具開發股份有限公司,延續計畫主持人已執行二年半之相關科技部產學計畫,前期計畫內容係由塑性力學基礎理論出發,開發振動殘餘應力消除(VSR)操作前電腦模擬技術,與實驗結果比對,用以提升振動應力消除的成效,並提供施作時的參數選擇建議,主要目標為應用於大型銲接工件之上,此部分計畫將在108年5月底結案,綜觀目前成果,已大致達成目標。延續之產學計畫將運用以往所累積之模擬經驗與力學理論的成果,建構智慧型振動應力消除系統,其功能包含自動施作循環外力,自動量測,並即時預估殘餘應力消除效果,當應力減少效果到達飽和時,可以自動轉換施力方式,或系統可以決定是否應停機。108年度計畫目標為:以(1)非等振幅(非簡諧)振動外力之殘餘應力消除模擬和結果分析,(2)建構智慧型振動殘餘應力消除系統之原型機,與(3)利用應變變化即時監測殘餘應力變化的技術精進。計畫執行方法分為數值模擬與智慧型振動應力消除原型機之建構二面向。有限元素數值模擬部分延續以往之模擬方法,模擬非簡諧外力等不同波形振動力施做的結果,並以實驗驗證,以發展不同於以往所採用的等振幅振動技術,此項結果將是以往研究這較少討論之內容。在建構智慧型振動殘餘應力消除原型機之部分,包含硬體之選擇、連結與驅動機構、感測器選擇、訊號處理與識別、控制軟體等分項。此外因本計畫還需進行塑性力學理論研究,以發展應用應變量測結果推估殘餘應力變化,此種即時量測應力之方法亦為本計畫之創先技術,也是智慧型系統成功之關鍵。 ;This project will focus on simulation of the effects of reduction of residual stress by applying non-harmonic vibratory forces to the structures, and also on the development of an intelligent vibratory stress relief system. Our goals actually follow the achievements of previous related projects, which are understanding the mechanism of using Vibratory Stress Relief (VSR) on large-scale welding workpieces and determination of the process parameters. The research is separated into two parts. The first part is to conduct numerical analysis using finite element software, ANSYS, to study the effects of non-harmonic vibratory forces on the structures for reducing the residual stresses due to welding or other processes. The numerical results will be compared to the experimental results for validation. The second part of the project is to build a prototype of intelligent vibratory stress relief equipment, with auto-application of different types of vibratory forces and auto-detection of residual stresses. According to the status of residual stresses, the equipment can determine when to alter the type of vibratory forces for a better reduction effect. For realizing the better choice of forces, one needs the analysis of simulation results of non-harmonic forces. And, for obtaining the measurement of stresses in real time, one needs to convert the data from the sensors to the variation of residual stress. This technique will also be developed in the project. |