勞動部統計近10 年來營造工程重大職業災害死亡人數多達1432 人, 依照職業安全衛生法第5 條第二項規定:「工程之設計或施工者,應於設計 或施工規劃階段實施風險評估。」為提昇營造工程之施工安全,設計單位更 應在設計階段實施風險評估。本研究選擇橋梁工程設計階段實施風險評估, 首先著手蒐集相關法規及管理制度等文獻,並將橋梁工程施工災害相關資 料加以整理、分析及實施危害辨識,建立橋梁工程施工安全風險評估之參考 流程。 完善的風險評估可用於選擇適當的橋梁工法,設計階段評選橋梁工法 應將安全這個項目納入最重要的考量,本研究選擇橋梁上部結構工程常見 的四種工法以層級分析法(AHP)量化各工法施工安全的風險值,彙整問卷獲 得權重數值後進行風險排序,發現以支撐先進工法平均值最低,表示風險最 低,安全性較高,在最終橋梁上部結構工法評選中安全評分項目可以獲得最 高分,希望透過此一方法之量化與應用,提供設計單位辦理橋梁工程評選工 法之參考。;According to the statistics of the Ministry of Labor, there have been 1,432 deaths in construction projects in the past 10 years. In accordance with Article 5 (2) of the Occupational Safety and Health Act: Designer should consider of construction risk assessment into the engineering planning and design stage. In order to improve the construction safety, designer should consider of construction risk assessment into the design stage. This study mainly focus on bridge construction risk assessment into the design stage. First collect relevant laws and regulations, management systems and other documents, analyze and implement hazard identification of bridge construction disaster related resources, and establish a reference process for bridge construction safety risk assessment. A sound risk assessment can be used to select the appropriate bridge construction method. The selection of bridge construction method in the design stage should include safety as the most important consideration. In this study, four common construction methods for bridge superstructure engineering are selected to quantify each construction method using the AHP. The risk value of construction safety is obtained after the weighted questionnaires are collected and the risks are sorted. It is found that the average value of construction safety is Advancing Shoring Method is the lowest, which means that the risk is the lowest and the safety is high. The highest score can be obtained in the safety assessment project of the final bridge superstructure construction method. It is hoped that through the quantification and application of this method, it will provide a reference for the designer to select the bridge construction method.