Abstract: | 因應物聯網時代興起,各國的資通訊、軟硬體公司相繼投入各式產品與研 發應用。從遠距醫療、醫材研發、智慧穿戴裝置乃至醫療照護等各領域皆有許 多應用與突破。其中,應用於醫材儀器與穿戴科技,技術市場開發推出許多嵌 入式醫療監測裝置,然而其通訊方式、介面設計,尚未出現可主導市場技術規 格之標準。由於各設備所使用的通訊界面不盡相同,同時聯網架構、基礎設施 建置亦未斟完善,雖病患可以得到更好、更簡便與更有效率的醫療服務,但數 位數據受攻擊面也會隨著擴大。為了克服此一挑戰,足夠安全、並使醫療隱私 能夠得到保障的全盤通訊架構設計便扮演了不可或缺的關鍵角色。本文實作了 基於 ARM 精簡指令集架構的 STM32 系列 32 位元處理核心,應用傳統工業儀 器 Modbus 通訊協定,應用於串列資料格式,實現軟體層資料交換與封裝,並 透過相關軟、硬體規劃設計,利用 UART、RS485、SPI 等硬體介面,實現常見 與儀器間的通訊介面連結。本裝置利用並整合 W5500 網路晶片,提供有線乙太 網路接口與後續通訊管道,實現聯網功能與通訊資料轉發,並進一步於網路介 面的資料封裝轉發層面,實現與具非明文傳輸的網路協定 Websocket 的橋接, 使系統資訊在網路層面的流通安全與隱私得到保障。;In response to the rise of the era of Internet of Things, worldwide companies in the fields of telecommunications, software, and hardware, have invested in various products and researches in relevant applications. There are many applications and breakthroughs being realized on the techniques from telemedicine, over the development of medical devices and equipment, smart wearable devices, to medical care. For medical equipment and wearable technology, there has developed many embedded medical monitoring devices in the relevant markets. However, the specification to the market-leading standard has not yet emerged to fully satisfy the justification of communication methods and interface design. Because the diversity of communication interfaces used for various devices, the networking architecture and the associated infrastructures are difficult to fully construct. Although the easier usage and efficiency of the medical services make patients be getting better through new techniques, the weakness of privacy security will also expand as well. In order to overcome the predicament, the design of a comprehensive communications architecture that offers sufficiently security and enables medical privacy protection has played an essential role. This article offers a framework of medical privacy protection by implementing with the STM32 series 32-bit processing core based on the ARM reduced instruction set architecture. The proposed framework utilizes the communication protocol of traditional industrial instrument Modbus to process serial data formats, which implements software layer data exchange and packaging. And through relevant software and hardware planning designs, we used UART, RS485, SPI and other hardware interfaces to achieve common communication interface connections. The adopted devices were also applying on integrated W5500 network chip to provide wired Ethernet interface and subsequent communication channels for achieving networking functions and communication data forwarding, and further the data encapsulation at level of the on the network forwarding. Therefore, in order to achieve the security and privacy of system information flow at network levels, further effort has been made on bridging with the encrypted network protocol Websocket, hence the information security would be guaranteed as a result. |