近幾年來電漿子學 (Plasmonic) 受到相當程度的關注,開啟了金屬在奈米尺度下進行光學研究的篇章,普遍可藉由改變金屬其奈米結構的幾何形狀、結構大小與週期性排列等等的方式來操控其光學性質的變化。本研究 透過 真空熱蒸鍍沉積系統 (Thermal evaporation system) 於 彈性體基板PDMS 表面沉積鎵金屬奈米結構並且利用SEM 觀察與TEM 分析得知本研究於60 ̊C低溫固化4個小時的條件下所製備之PDMS 基板表面 達成具奈米結構間距之自組裝 (Self-assembly)、層狀堆疊排列之鎵奈米顆粒結構進而觀察隨著液態鎵金屬沉積厚度從40 nm 增加到150 nm 的過程中其試片表面的顏色特徵從銀灰色變成黃色、紫色、藍色、綠色以及棕色,而本研究為了達成在可見光波段範圍內LSPR 特徵峰訊號的可逆調控本研究選擇於60 ̊C低溫固化的PDMS 基板表面沉積100 nm 的層狀堆疊液態鎵金屬結構厚度且表面顏色特徵為綠色之試片進行後續的研究, 藉由給定氣體壓力的機械式變形彈性體基板的方式從大氣環境壓力下增加到40 psi. 的過程使得原本緊密排列的液態鎵金屬結構產生的強電漿子耦合 (Plasmon coupling) 效應 使得其 LSPR特徵峰位在長波長約 725 nm 的位置減弱後而發生藍位移 (Blue-shift) 至LSPR 特徵峰位在短波長約485 nm 的位置之現象,最後,本研究達成在可見光光譜波段範圍內具有良好光譜可逆調控性以及結構的耐用性的侷域性表面電漿共振 (LSPR) 約240 nm 的調控位移量。;In recently, the plasmonic received a considerable attention in noble metal with nanoscale. It is generally possible to manipulate the optical properties of metals by changing the geometry, structure size, and periodic arrangement of their nanostructures. This research achieved in self-assembly and layered gallium nanoparticles (GaNPs) with nano-gap spacing onto PDMS of prepared at 60 ̊C for 4 hours only by thermal evaporation process. After that, observed the color characteristic changes in thickness of deposited gallium increased from 40 nm to 150 nm. Furthermore, this research in order to achieved in tunable and reversible plasmon resonances within visible-spectrum range, choose to deposited 100 nm-Ga onto PDMS of prepared at 60 ̊C for 4 hours that plasmon resonances peak was located in 725 nm wavelength and the color characteristic displays green like to perform follow-up experiments. Installing above PDMS specimen in a homemade mold, then mechanically deform the PDMS with GaNPs structures to make the plasmon coupling effect reduced by given gas pressure. During above, the plasmon resonances peak wavelength in 725 nm display a blue-shift to 485 nm when the given gas pressure increased from atmospheric pressure to 40 psi. Ultimate, the PDMS with GaNPs structures with good durability and wide range tunable and reversible LSPR peak shift (~240 nm) was achieved in this research.