摘要: | M型社會來臨,中產階級的消失危機與商機,正在崛起的中產階級正在影響著中國,眾多的創意在市場上開花,更需要證明是否可行。 創業計畫的目的是以股權眾籌的方式創立蘇州瑟路舜智能科技公司。基於對大量文獻的探討與相關資料的查找,及對所學知識的運用,設計出商業模式的創新,解決創業市場上的創業難,資金難的二大問題。 運作股權眾籌的方式打造一個平臺公司,讓這樣的一家公司能在大家年輕的時候築夢踏實,年老的時候一起生活養老,期許在這過程中能為大家找到成就及滿足感,並於退休後的生活能保持一定的品質,這就是瑟路舜智能科技公司的創業計劃。 在中國2.04億中產階級崛起,咖啡成為生活必需品,對咖啡市場的調研分析,包括中國咖啡市場的發展及產業趨勢等,本案計劃施行合夥人制度與購置資產二大方向,在平臺公司上發展第一個項目瑟路舜咖啡館,以咖啡館為載體聚集資源,打造人脈網路,實現眾人共同的夢想。;The emergence of the “M-shape society” results in the gradual disappearance of the middle class in the society. The consequences are both crisis and business opportunities. The last decade has witnessed the rise of middle class in China, and many innovative ideas are blooming in the market, some are yet to be proven. The purpose of this study is to propose a new business: the Solution Intelligent Technology Platform Company, in the form of equity crowdfunding. Based on the past literature and real-life cases, this proposal attempts to solve the two most difficult problems in new startup endeavor, namely entrepreneurship and capital raising, through a genius business model design. The proposal calls for fund raising with crowdfunding, and operating as a platform company, through which various different business can be grown. It provides an opportunities for middle and upper managers can collaborate while young, and enjoy wealthy and happy Retirement together. With the rise of 204 million middle class in China, coffee has become a necessity for living. Based on analysis of the potential of the Chinese coffee market, Coffee shop is chosen as the first business of the platform company. |