半導體產業的製程涵蓋許多專業技術,作業中隱藏著各種的危害,對於防止職業災害發生,半導體產業執行OHSAS 18001職業安全衛生管理系統許久,在職業災害的案件仍持續的發生,為降低職業災害的發生,本研究參考勞動部於2015年所發佈的風險評估技術指引進行職業災害降低控制,並運用工作安全分析(Job Safety Analysis, JSA)為本研究執行為害辨識的方法,將所辨識出的危害採取風險控制措施,降低職業災害的發生;並對職業災害要素進行探討及職業災害指標分析變化情形確認降低職業災害之效益。 半導體封裝測試製程運用工作安全分析所辨識出災害類型主要為與有害物等之接觸(27%)、被切、割、擦傷(16%)、物體飛落(13%)、被夾、被捲(11%)及與高溫、低溫之接觸(10%)等5種,所採取的風險控制措施以行政管理(64%)、工程控制(21%)及個人防護具(15%)為主要措施,並對職業災害要素的不安全行為及狀況、工作型態、年資、傷害嚴重度等變化情況進行分析。 實施工作安全分析對於職業災害指標FR、SR及FSI初期降低的效果並不明顯,持續實施後,第二年開始已有明顯的下降成效,代表運用工作安全分析能有效降低職業災害的發生。 本研究應用工作安全分析辨識半導體封裝測產業的災害類型、採取的風險控制措施,以及職業災害要素變化情形,可提供相關產業進行職業災害降低時可參考本研究結果。 ;To prevent the occupational injury, the OHSAS 18001 occupational safety and health management system has been implemented for semiconductor packaging and testing plants for many years. However, the number of injury cases still increase continuously. This study employed guidelines issued by the Ministry of Labor in 2015 to lower the work hazard and Job Safety Analysis (Job Safety Analysis, JSA) to identify work hazards. After the work hazards have been identified, risk control has been carried out to reduce the occurrence of occupational accidents. The occupational disaster indicators before and after the implementation of Job safety analysis Analyze have also been evaluated to understand the effectiveness of JSA. After Job safety analysis, it has been found that the major hazards are contact with hazardous chemicals (27%), cutting and abrasion (16%), hit by flyig objects (13%), clamping (11%) and contact with extreme temperature (10%). The main risk control measures adopted are administrative management (64%), engineering control (21%) and personal protective equipment (15%). Analysis of changes in working type, severity, injury level, and etc. The overall analysis showed that there were no obvious effect on the initial reduction of occupational accidents indicators, but the continuous implementation of Job safety analysis has a tendency to reduce occupational disaster indicators. This study concluded that JSA can effectively identify the types of hazards and the changes in occupational disaster elements in the semiconductor packaging test industry. The risk control measures could be taken based on the analysis. The results of this work provide information for occupational disasters control if relevant industries.