營造業在各國都是具有高度職業災害風險的產業,因此,陸續有不同類型的研究投入在提升營造業職業安全的目標上,營造業從業人員的不安全行為即是相關研究的議題之一,而其研究成果指出使從業人員產生安全行為是預防職業災害發生最根本方法之一。然而,目前的研究仍有幾點不足之處,首先,過去研究提及認知因素對行為安全與否扮演重要的角色,但鮮少文獻對營造業從業人員注意力認知功能進行評估探討;其次,營造業從業人員的注意力與不安全行為之間實際上如何產生關聯仍未有研究加以探討;最後,營造業的工作項目複雜且繁多,使其具有工作時數長、時常日夜趕工等特性,但尚未有營造業從業人員疲勞與注意力之間相互影響的分析。因此,本研究將運用注意力網絡模型探討營造業從業人員疲勞程度與注意力、注意力與安全行為之間之相互關聯性。統計分析的結果顯示,個人疲勞與注意力導向以及工作相關疲勞與注意力執行控制皆有顯著關係,而注意力與安全行為並無顯著關係。此外,本研究結果發現當疲勞感越大時,其注意力轉移與保持專注的能力較差。本研究成果可作為政府後續進行相關研究之參考,亦可用於調整現行實務上安全管理實施作法之依據。;Construction industry is the most dangerous industry globally, and in view of the fact, many research efforts have been made to promote occupational safety in the construction industry. One of the efforts is to analyze the unsafe behavior of construction workers and its research results indicate that making construction workers perform safe behavior can prevent occupational hazards. However, existing studies still have three limitations. First, past research depicted that cognitive factors are important roles for safe behavior, but rare research focused on the attention factor among them. Second, it is still unclear how construction workers’ attention is associated with unsafe behavior. Last, construction activities are complicated and involve numerous work items, making construction have characteristics such as long working hours and heavy physical loading; however, no research studied the association between construction workers’ burnout and attention. Therefore, this research applies attention network model to study the correlations between burnout and attention and between attention and safe behavior. The research result shows that personal burnout and attention of orientation are significantly correlated and so is work-related burnout and attention of executive control; however, there is no significant correlations between attention and safety behavior. In addition, the result indicates when construction personnel’s burnout level gets higher, their ability of shifting attention and staying focus gets worse. The findings of the research can be reference for the government to adjust current construction safety management practices and to conduct further research in the future.