在國內積極推動應用BIM技術以提升產業技術水準與專案執行績效的同時,對於公部門、研究者、產業端而言,應用BIM技術所需的資源並未有系統的整理且多數無法取得,真正有需求時僅能憑藉網路上可以搜尋到的少數資料以及私下關係獲得的不完整資料為依據或參考,此將造成國內投入BIM技術發展與應用的整體資源重複投資,且推動速度緩慢與效益不彰。本研究規劃參考與學習國外之作法,並考量國內實務面上的現況與需求,提出建築工程應用BIM所需資源共享平台規劃之具體成果,進而提供與建立國內日後收集、分析與分享建築工程應用BIM有關資源之網路集散中心,讓國內BIM技術發展與應用能夠加速,且能夠健全BIM技術之應用與發展。 ;Taiwan has aggressively implemented BIM (Building Information Modeling) techniques to increase the technical level of construction industry and to improve the performance of construction projects. However, most of the BIM implementers in government, R&D institutes and construction industry have to search required BIM resources on the internet, but they usually obtain only limited resources because most BIM-related resources are not organized systematically or unavailable for sharing. This situation makes BIM-related investments on BIM R&D and implementations being duplicated, and consequently BIM implementation speed being slow and performance being unclear. For solving the problem of BIM resources shortage, this study targets on making a development plan for the sharing platform of BIM resources for executing building projects. For achieving the mentioned objective, the following works will be executed: reviewing at least three cases in other countries, obtaining practical requirements based on domain experts’ interviews, proposing a preliminary development plan and evaluating by domain experts. The anticipated outcomes will be an executable development plan for a BIM resources sharing platform for executing building projects. That platform can be a BIM resources hub and be helpful for BIM implementation and development in Taiwan.