台灣由於地理位置特殊,在東亞位居亞洲大陸出流下風位置,因此空氣品質極易受到周遭環境之污染物所影響。本計畫科學目標架構於7-SEAS (Seven South East Asian Studies)研究計畫下,探討不同區域污染物(包含亞洲沙塵、生質燃燒、中國霧霾等)對於台灣空氣品質的影響。本計畫依據東亞繞極軌道衛星(polar orbiting)與地球同步衛星(geostationary satellite)的氣膠光學厚度(aerosol optical thickness)所定義之境外氣膠移入事件日,分類氣膠移入事件日的綜觀天氣類型,並以中台灣和北台灣之環保署光化學評估測站(Photochemical Assessment Monitoring Stations; PAMS)都會站進行境外氣膠移入事件日分析,以量化氣膠移入之光化指標與空品觀測,進而歸納PM2.5移入事件日,並使用空氣品質模式(包括軌跡模式與全球/區域化學傳輸模式)詮釋一次與二次污染物演變過程,目的為使用光化指標與空品觀測量化東亞PM2.5移入事件日,並透過模式模擬結果解釋(1)移入氣團軌跡移動過程,與(2)污染物傳輸與化學演變情形。 ;The island of Taiwan is unique as an ideal downwind location in East Asia to receive Asian continental outflow which inevitably affects the domestic air quality over the island under certain weather conditions. This proposal is a sub-project of the integrated project of 7-SEAS (Seven South East Asian Studies) to investigate regional pollution phenomena, e.g., Asian dust, biomass burning, China haze, etc. We propose to use the data of optical depth observed by the polar orbiting and geostationary satellites to determine the aerosol events transported to the island, and to categorize the weather patterns for the transboundary PM2.5 events. We intend to use the hourly data of organic pollutants provided by the network of PAMS (Photochemical Assessment Monitoring Stations) operated by Taiwan EPA in central and northern Taiwan as effective indexes to enhance the detection ability of the incoming PM2.5 events. The entire process of aerosol formation and transport of the continental outflow to Taiwan as the receiver can be simulated by the air-quality models of either trajectory or Eulerian type to facilitate understanding of the primary and secondary processes. The modeling results are then used to validate the effectiveness of using organic indexes as effective indicators of (1) the occurrence continental outflow and (2) transport and chemical evolution of organic pollutants in the outflow.