大城市附近活動斷層的存在對生活在其中的居民和其財產以及公共基礎設施構成重大風險。此計畫中,我們研究在希臘首都雅典市中心周圍50公里半徑內的地震活動性,活動斷層和地震間應變累積之間的相互作用。為了達到此目標,我們將利用三個不同的數據集:(a)永久國家地震網絡記錄的地震波形;(b)研究區域的高分辨率(〜5 m)數字高程模型(DEM);以及(c)GPS速度觀測值,將用於計算應變率。我們將可計算出精確的相對位置,並有助於勾勒出活躍斷層,而對DEM和現場勘測的分析將有助於進一步限制這些斷層的特徵並將其分類為“活斷層”或“潛在活斷層”。應變率分佈也將與已識別的斷層相關聯,以研究它們的地震間應變累積。這項研究的主要能為整個雅典市區提供更新的的地震列表和活動斷層數據庫。特別值得一提的是,此研究案將會和雅典國家天文台(希臘)和波茨坦GFZ(德國)的同事合作進行。 ;The existence of active faults near large cities poses significant risk to the life and property of itsinhabitants as well as to its public infrastructure. Here, we propose to investigate the interplay between seismicity, active faulting and interseismic strain accumulation within a radius of 50 km around the metropolitan area of Athens, the capital of Greece. In order to accomplish this task we will utilize three different datasets: (a) earthquake waveforms recorded by the permanent national seismic network, (b) a high-resolution (~5 m) Digital Elevation Model (DEM) of the study area, and (c) GPS velocity observations that will be used for the calculation of strain rates. Precise relative locations will be calculated and will contribute towards delineating active faults, while analysis of the DEM and field surveys will help constrain further the characteristics of these faults and classify them as "active" or "potentially active". Strain rates distribution will also be correlated with the identified faults in an effort to investigate their interseismic strain accumulation. An improved earthquake catalog and active faults database for the broader Athens metropolitan area will be the main products of this research. It should be noted that the work proposed here will be conducted in collaboration with colleagues from the National Observatory of Athens (Greece) and GFZ Potsdam (Germany).