文獻中,組織高層中的性別差異對政府和公司政策的影響是混合的不清楚且沒有一個一致的結論。 我們試圖運用兩個類自然實驗的外生變動事件來釐清這個長久以來被探討的問題,分別為女主席和女性在國會中的領導地位提升的自然實驗,以及在加利福尼亞通過的女性董事配額立法,來研究性別差異的影響。 我們郁期結果為(i)任命國會女主席或女性領導者將對政府政策產生重大變化,進而對包括公司價值和運營績效在內的公司政策產生重大影響;(ii)加利福尼亞州公司董事會通過性別配額將導致公司價值和經營績效要比其他州的公司差,而這種轉移所引起的技能配置錯誤將是主要原因。 ;The effect of gender differences in the top of an organization on government and corporate policies are mixed and unclear in literature. We attempt to investigate the effect of gender differences by using two quasi-natural experiments of ascensions of chairwoman and female leadership position in Congress and the passage of female director quota legislation in California. We expect that (i) the appointments of chairwoman or female leadership in Congress would make significant changes in government policies and in turn firm policies including firm value and operating performance and (ii) the passage of gender quota in the boardroom for California firms would results in worse firm value and operating performance than firms in other states, and skill mismatching induced by the passage would be the main reason.