綜觀目前商業化熱電材料,在低溫範圍(室溫至300℃之間)並無任何可行之材料得以將熱電轉換之效應大量導入廢熱回收。因此若能在材料及元件上大幅降低熱電元件之成本,並能應用在低溫範圍使廢熱回收,實為一重要的能源課題,而本計畫將針對p/n摻雜鎂矽鍺錫四元合金奈米線/二氧化矽奈米粒子複合材料,提出(1)低成本的量產方法、(2)複合材料製作及設計、(3)在將此材料製作成熱電塊材後,進行(4)量測及提升其熱電優值係數ZT,並(5)以模組驗證於環境中,以期往後能用以建構奈米化結構熱電性能之理論模型,並應用於工業及民生節能。本計畫研究課題著重於低成本、前瞻、具量產潛力的鎂矽鍺錫奈米線/二氧化矽奈米粒子複合材料粉末及熱電塊材關鍵製程開發,同時佐以材料及特性量測分析。為達成此目標,計畫之執行策略將依熱電奈米線粉末開發、粉體材料的結構工程化設計與製作、火花電漿燒結製程開發以及微結構鑑定、熱電優值係數量測、模組組裝驗證等架構分層負責。利用本實驗室所建立之量測平台和分析能力,並整合實驗參數與結果,我們將得到往後適用於低溫工業廢熱回收之元件,並提出成本評估,同時培訓熱電相關研發人才。 ;The overall concept of the research project is to fabricated nanoengineered bulk thermoelectric materials with high figure of merit. The engineering approach is constructed in loop that can be described in following steps: (1) first step is to define the requirements and overall specifications for the TE material, taking into account material and production process, (2) then Mg2(Si,Ge,Sn) material will be fabricated in the form of nano-powders and nanowires (3) next, the material is implemented to selected consolidation technology in order to produce samples, (4) the samples as well as (5) module assembles are characterized, tested and tuned-up to the needs defined by requirements related to the technical objective. Mentioned steps are repeated until developed materials meet the requirements. All these elements will be developed in an integrated way, i.e. by combining materials design with fabrication technology. Expected highly efficient thermoelectric materials as well as modules will be demonstrated. The expertise was collected and served as a basis for formulating requirements for current project focused on very promising materials based on heavily doped roughened Si nanowires and SiO2 nanoparticles. This will have beneficial impact on the environment by heat energy scavenging, significant energy savings and reduction of a greenhouse gas emission. Designing and manufacturing of highly efficient thermoelectric materials directly address material science and engineering aspects of research.