下肢義肢使用者若長期步態偏差,會有健側膝關節、脊椎或/及下背疼痛而致的姿態歧異;免除GPS限制的戶外及室內活動路徑追蹤,則是智慧生活應用的一環。本計畫全程將發展下肢義肢使用者的多通道慣性感測步態暨姿態分析系統,並能免除倚賴GPS才能獲得行走路徑及距離資訊的限制。研究分為兩部分,包括(1)多通道IMU步態姿態軌跡重建及行走路徑追蹤(距離估測)分析系統(依功能有三類1,7,9個IMU模組),含開發及驗證(i)無線慣性感測系統建置、(ii)義肢動態校準、(iii) IMU陀螺儀適應性動態校正、(iv)基於IMU之精確無源定位追蹤、(v)多通道IMU步態姿態分析 等;(2)復健臨床診療及智慧生活,包含(i)雙腳步態對稱評估反饋在復健規劃與義肢矯具、(ii)步態姿態分析關聯歧異姿態與偏差步態、(iii) 活動能力追蹤於智慧生活應用 等。此計畫發想,肇因於下肢義肢使用者需求,包括長期義肢穿戴的臨床復健及平日居家活動可應用;此具備義肢使用者(巨觀)活動路徑及(微觀)步態姿態分析系統,屬通用技術,能夠廣泛應用於智慧家庭及復健工程領域。此系統對於義肢使用者(i)步態對稱評估能夠反饋義肢矯具及復健規劃、(ii)姿態步態偏差分析協助診斷脊椎關節疼痛、(iii)行走路徑追蹤可量化日常活動能力 等。關於IMU中陀螺儀能夠動態實時校正,以確保角速度資料正確,是研究中基礎且重要課題。 ;For lower-limb prosthetic users long-term gait deviation may result in the pain of knee joints, spine and/or lower back, and eventually posture abnormality occurs. The technique to track indoor and outdoor walking path without using a GPS can be further applied in intelligent living. This project aims to develop a wireless multiple-channel inertial sensing gait and posture analysis system that gets rid of having to rely on a GPS for tracking walking path and evaluating walk distance. The study contains two parts.(1) First, we are developing and implementing a multiple-channel IMU analysis system for walking path tracking and gait/posture reconstruction designated by single-, seven- and nine-IMUs modules. To the purpose, some tasks need to be achieved including (i) implementation of a wireless inertial sensing module with varied options, (ii) able to perform dynamic alignment of prosthesis, (iii) adaptive calibration for IMU gyros, (iv) IMU-based localization tracking without using GPS, and (v) multiple-channel IMU gait/posture analysis.(2) Secondly, the protocols for human subject experiments will be designed for the purpose of rehabilitation practice and intelligent living including (i) gait analysis for the symmetry assessment of two feet to feedback for rehab planning and prosthesis adjustment, (ii) gait/posture analysis to correlate posture abnormality with gait deviation, and (iii) walking path tracking for the intelligent living application. In order to obtain reliable and precise evaluation for the above tasks, a key and fundamental issue is to realize adaptive calibration for IMU gyros which ensures acquiring correct angular velocity data.