我們將研究星團的誕生與瓦解過程。恆星從分子雲中成團形成,能夠從內外各種擾動存活者,成為今日看到的星團。我們將(1)探討最年輕、仍然深埋在分子雲當中的星團如何與雲氣交互作用,而誘發下一代恆星誕生;(2)利用JCMT/SCUBA-2數據監測分子團塊在次毫米波段的爆亮現象,藉以瞭解原恆星吸積物質而增長的過程;(3)比對不同演化階段的年輕恆星(有些區域還包括棕矮星)與塵埃雲的空間關係,包括偵測這些星體表面磁場活動;(4)測量鄰近星團的參數,包括年齡、距離、大小、形狀、成員星、質量函數,以及動力演化程度),並以不同年齡、位於銀河系不同位置的星團樣本,研究星團瓦解的關鍵過程。 ;We propose to study the assembly and disassembly of star clusters. Stars are formed in groups out of molecular cloud. Those that survive the internal dynamics plus external perturbation, and remain gravitationally bound, become the star clusters we see today. We will (1) investigate the interplay between the youngest, embedded stellar systems and the molecular gas and dust to trace possible triggered formation of next-generation stars, (2) detect JCMT/SCUBA-2 submillimeter brightness outburst using due to sporadic accretion to diagnose how protostars gain their mass, (3) correlate stars, and in some cases substellar objects, at different evolutionary stages with warm dust clouds, including stellar magnetic activity, (4) derive detailed parameters (age, distance, shape, size, membership, mass function, dynamical status) of nearby star clusters of different ages and at different Galactic locations to quantify the key mechanism leading to disintegration of star clusters.