摘要: | 同性戀在現今父權體制以及異性戀主流之中常被視為是污穢、亂象的,提到與同志相關議題便會將其聯想至負面的詞語及形象,因而讓許多同性戀者對於是否出櫃而游移不定,害怕出櫃之後受到各種歧視、霸凌與不被認同。而客家族群一直以來都是傳統文化的守護者、延續者,其堅守老祖宗所留下的傳統文化、禮俗等等,部分的客家宗族會有濃厚的情感,受到宗法文化影響奉行血緣延續、香火相傳的規矩,以維持與聯繫群體之間的情感,延展傳宗接代的父系文化。尤其客家男性、客家女性之性別角色分工規範嚴謹,對於客家女性的傳統美德更是推崇。因此,同性戀在客家族群中是與傳統背道而馳的,又客家女性因肩負傳宗接代之使命,對身為客家女同志來說,出櫃可能是困難的,倘若客家女性現身了,其身處客家家庭中也可能遭受親戚之間的閒言閒語。因此,本研究欲藉由兩個問題的探討:(1)探討客家女同性戀身處於客家家庭之中的出櫃困境為何?(2)檢視客家女同志出櫃之後所面臨的困境如何克服?以及其家人心態之轉變為何?以達成兩個研究目的:(1)了解客家女同性戀向家人出櫃的困境;(2)分析客家女同性戀向家人出櫃前後困境的因應方法。;Homosexuality is regarded as a filthy and chaotic in the long-lasting society of the patriarchal system and the mainstream of heterosexuality. When we mention to the issues of 〝Homosexuality〞, we almost associate it to be the negative words and images. Therefore, it leads so many homosexuals to doubt whether they choice to coming-out or not, they afraid of being discriminating, bullying and denied. Hakka always plays a role as a protector and continuator of the traditional culture, they assist traditional values and custom that their ancestors hand them down, and so on. Besides, a part of Hakka that they have a very strong connection between families and clans of Hakka, and they comply with the rules of bloodline so that they can connect and spread the feelings of Hakka. Especially, the division of the gender role of Hakka is so rigorous, they praise women’s traditional values of Hakka. By reason of the traditional custom of Hakka, homosexuals are considered as a betrayal of the traditional norms, and yet the women of Hakka are given the mission to lasting the bloodline; thus, it is probably difficult for women of Hakka to coming-out, and it may suffer the gossips if the women of Hakka are lesbians. Therefore, the researcher wants to discuss two questions: (1) To discuss the dilemma that the lesbians of Hakka in Hakka family? (2) To discover the difficulties of the Hakka lesbians when they coming-out, and how to conquer it? And what kind of the changes of their family? Then, according to it, the researcher wants to get further in two proposes: (1) To know the difficulties when the lesbians of Hakka to come out; (2) To analyze the solutions of difficulties before coming-out and after coming-out to the lesbians of Hakka. |