摘要: | 阿爾貝˙卡繆 (Albert Camus) 在其札記當中,第一句便提及母親作為自身文學與感性的泉源,並強調須透過母親與兒子之間的關係作為創作媒介。坐在窗邊的椅子上、沉默地望向空無一人街道的母親,在《正與反》以及其最後一部半自傳體小說《第一人》中為重複出現的母題,也能視為卡繆將自身母親形象重構於文學中的證據。然而,其它作品中母親的角色並非僅僅展現單一形象,而是多重且複雜的樣貌,我們必須區別前者與現實中卡繆的母親,並以文本分析的方式詮釋選定作品中母親的意象。因此,本論文將嘗試透過拆以三對的六種相對應元素,包含「沉默—創作」、「缺席—存在」以及「遺忘—記憶」,以此揀選母親的人物形象並分析;接著研究卡繆於作品中使用與母親角色相關的隱喻,將此與聖經連結,以聖母瑪利亞、耶穌基督與其比喻中浪子回頭的經典敘事結構為理論基底,深入剖析卡繆在基督教教義中擷取並運用在文學作品中的母親形象。最後以卡繆創作階段的歷史為界線,劃分第一時期 (荒謬) 、第二時期 (反抗) 與第三時期 (愛與和諧) 中母親的形象變化,目標為以此連結作者當時所身處的大寫歷史 (Histoire) 洪流下,探討作為一切的開始同時也是階段的結束—作品中亦虛亦實的母親形象的終極意義。;In the first lines of Albert Camus’s Carnets, the author acknowledged that the feeling towards his mother constituted all his sensibility, and opined that it should all be expressed through mother and son. The motif of L’Envers et l’endroit and the last work of Camus’ semi-autobiography, Le Premier homme, is a silent mother sitting next to the window and looking through it to the street outside. Camus borrowed his own mother’s image to portrait a symbolic character in his oeuvre. Nevertheless, we have to distinguish Camus’ mother and the maternal characters due to the fact that the latter encompasses diverse characteristics. Thus, within the context of Camusian image of mothers, the aim of this thesis is to examine the images of mothers in five works of Camus, including L’Envers et l’endroit (1937) (notamment ? Entre oui et non ?), L’?tranger (1942), Le Malentendu (1944), La Peste (1947) et Le Premier homme (1994) respectively. The focus will be on six dual factors of maternal image, encompassing silence / creation, absence / presence, and oblivion / memory. Moreover, we analyze the metaphors mainly related to the Bible which Camus used in works, including Mary, mother of Jesus, Jesus of Nazareth, and the Parable of the Prodigal Son, and examine the image of mothers in the context of Camusian Christianism. Finally, divided by three successive stages that Camus planned his oeuvre, the Absurd, Revolt and Love, the images of mother are gradually recast throughout the development. This thesis hopes to explicate the ultimate meaning of maternal image in the oeuvre of Camus under the influence of History. |