摘要: | 本研究是以台灣工具機產業上市公司四家,上櫃公司一家為研究對象,探討工具機公司之治理評鑑結果、董事會特徵與企業財務績效之相關性。本研究採用文獻探討及次級資料搜集分析法,結果發現:公司董事會獨立性較高、董事長未兼任總經理的公司,其治理評鑑結果較好;董監事與經理人學經歷較佳者,財務績效較佳;公司治理良好的公司,可以發揮監督機制、提升資訊透明度,財務報表可信度較高,投資人因而有信心,股價也較高。;This study examines the association among corporate governance evaluation, board characteristics and corporate performance. Using four listed firms and one over-the–counter company in tool machine industry as a sample, we find that firms with higher board independence and chairperson without CEO position have better governance evaluation score; directors, supervisors and managers with greater expertise have better financial performance; good corporate governance of a company can play a supervisory function, enhance information transparency, financial statements thus have higher reliability, leading to more confidence of investors and higher stock price. |