台灣房價與經濟成長變動趨勢一直是民眾所關心與討論的議題,過去文獻研究中發現,波羅的海綜合指數影響著全球實質經濟興衰與房價變動,因此本研究以2005年第一季至2020年第四季為研究區間,探討波羅的海綜合指數與台灣房價之間的影響。本文以公開多年且廣泛使用的信義房價指數及國泰房價指數為研究對象,其分別代表台灣區、台北市、新北市、台中市、高雄市的中古屋房價及新成屋房價。研究結果顯示,波羅的海綜合指數對 (台灣區、台北市、新北市、台中市)的中古屋房價有正向顯著影響,同時對(高雄市)的新成屋房價亦具有正向顯著之影響效果。;Taiwan housing prices and economic growth trends and variation have always been the important topics discussed by people. Previous literature suggests that the fluctuation of the Baltic dry index the real global economy affects and the house prices. Therefore, this research aims to show how the Baltic dry index affects Taiwan’s housing prices from the first quarter of 2005 to the fourth quarter of 2020. The data of this paper focuses on the housing price index for pre-own houses and the presold houses of Taiwan and four municipalities, and collected from Xinyi housing price index and Cathay real estate index. This study shows that the Baltic dry index has a positive impact on the hosing index for the pre-owned houses in Taiwan, Taipei City, New Taipei City, and Taichung City and the presold housing index in Kaohsiung City.