摘要: | 中國境內汽車橡膠密封條產業對應主機廠的一階供應商必須具備設計能力,具備一階供應商資格大部分屬日資或歐美投資設立的公司。中國現地的橡膠密封條產業是以二階或三階供應商的形式接單經營。2010年以前製造橡膠密封條的台資廠部分可自行設計,但大部分以二階方式接單生產,交貨的品質、交期、信用等都還很有競爭力,客戶主動找到台資廠拜託協助開發或代工需求的產品,利潤很好也容易經營。 但是之後中國產業進步的速度很快趕上台資廠,中國現地的橡膠密封條製造廠以二階的形態出現,替一階代工生產,形成關鍵的價格競爭,經營越來越不容易。到2017年中國橡膠密封條製造廠已進入愛信精機的零件供應商並要求F公司大幅降價,F公司於品質、交期等尚有競爭力,但是價格差距很大,2018年已經有失單,降價及經營利潤大幅下滑的壓力下必須找出可行的經營改革方向。從汽車零件產業中調查得到中國汽車天窗裝配比率很高,所以F公司漸漸轉以汽車天窗橡膠密封條為主的製造公司,以廣州豐田合成為主要客戶,再由廣州豐田合成轉交愛信精機組裝成汽車天窗後納入廣汽豐田和天津一汽豐田。這樣以二階供應商的供貨模式維持了12年,面對中國橡膠密封條製造廠的競爭,也要進行變革,才能在產業中生存。 因此從彈性生產、精實生產的方式找到改革的方向。進口膠料改現地生產、配方自主合作研發、生產線改造、自動化、接著工程「0」不良及物流等改進措施,使F公司能再現競爭力,並繼續獲利經營提升公司體質。;In the automobile industry in China, the first-tier suppliers of rubber sealing strip have a high entry barrier, that they have to have their own design capabilities. As such, the qualified suppliers are mainly companies invested and established by Japanese and Euro-American manufacturers. Local rubber sealing strip manufactures in China operate as a second-tier or third-tier suppliers. Before 2010, while Taiwanese factories that manufacture rubber seals have their own design capabilities themselves, they are still mostly operating as second-tier suppliers. Their quality, delivery time, and credit conditions were still highly competitive. Local customers actively source from these Taiwanese factories, either new parts development or manufacturing of OEM products. It was an era with easy and profitable operations. However, with the fast-paced Chinese industrialization progressed, local suppliers started to catch up with Taiwanese factories. In addition, local rubber sealing strip fill in the gap as a second-tier outsourcer, producing for the first-tier suppliers. The market entered into price competition, making it increasingly difficult for the suppliers to operate. In the Chinese auto market, the penetration rate for sunroof is extremely high. Company F, a rubber sealing strip manufacturer gradually focused in supplying the more demanding, yet more profitable auto sunroof rubber seals. Their major customer is Guangzhou Toyoda Gosei, which in turn supply to Aisin Seiki for final sun-roof assembly. The sunroofs then ended up in Toyota cars manufactured by Guangzhou Automobile Toyota and Tianjin FAW Toyota. The situation had been maintained for 12 years. By 2017, local Chinese rubber sealing strip manufacturers entered the Aisin Seiki′s supply chain. Company F started to face a stiff competitive force, and was requested to reduce the price considerably. While Company F was still competitive in terms of quality and delivery time, but the price gap was significant. As a result, orders had been eroding starting 2018. As a result, Company F have to innovated to stay in the game. Against the backdrop, the study attempts to propose changes in its manufacturing operations, based on the concepts of lean production and flexible production. The proposed improvements include the following: replace imported rubber materials to local products, improvements of material formulas through collaborated R&D, production lines automation and optimization, ZERO defects in adhesion engineering, and logistics improvement measures. These would enable Company F to regain its competitiveness and continue to be profitable. |