網際網路的時代的來臨及行動裝置的快速普及,電子商務已成為全球零售市場不可或缺的一部分,網路銷售通路改變消費者和企業選擇產品與品牌的方式。在汽車產業中,電子商務革命才剛起步,汽車零配件的網路銷售佔比正在逐年增加中,臺灣的汽車零配件在國際電商平台上亦有亮眼的表現。 臺灣汽機車零配件產業以中小型企業居多,且汽機車零配件的外銷比重極大。而美國是全球最大的汽車零配件市場,並且半數以上依賴進口,亦是臺灣汽車零配件主要出口國之一。 汽車零配件傳統的銷售模式是透過進口商或是貿易商將產品銷往海外。然而,這使得銷量低的非主流、利基產品容易被忽略。臺灣汽車零配件製造商 T 公司意識到這些長尾產品的商機,不必經由貿易商可以直接在網路上銷售。 T 公司計畫將公司產品中被客戶忽略的非主流產品透過跨境電商的模式銷售到美國。本研究規劃 T 公司透過跨境電商平台在北美開店上架並經過可行性分析後,操作可行性、上架成本及法律風險皆在可控範圍內,故建議T 公司可執行計畫並收集數續持續檢討及完善方案。 本研究旨在製定在美國市場開展跨境電子商務業務的計劃。計劃包括市場調查、選品、通路選擇以及產品文案和物流規劃。初步可行性分析發現該計劃有可能實現盈虧平衡,並為 T 公司開闢新的有效銷售通路。;Along with the rapid growth of the Internet and phenomenal proliferation of mobile devices, e-commerce has become an integral part of modern business market. The new network sales channel has changed how consumers and businesses choose their products and brands. The auto market has just started to experience this commercial revolution. Sales of auto parts have been on the rise. Taiwanese auto parts online sales have also been remarkable. In Taiwan, auto-parts manufactures are mostly small and medium businesses. They mainly focus on the oversea automotive aftermarket, with over 90% of their products exported. The United States, which is the biggest automotive aftermarket and with half of the parts imported, is one of the main export destinations for these Taiwanese producers. The traditional way for auto parts to be exported overseas has been through importers and agents. However, this leaves the non-mainstream, niche products that are low in volume, to be left out in the process. Company T, a Taiwanese auto-parts manufacture, becomes aware of the opportunities for these long tail products, that can be sold directly on-line, bypassing the agents. This study aims to develop a plan for Company T to launch a cross-border e-commerce business in US market. The plan includes selection of market, initial production selection, channel selection, and details for new product listing and logistics planning. An initial feasibility analysis found that the plan can potentially breakeven and opening up a new effective sales channels for Company T.