少子高齡化造成我國短期難以逆轉的人口結構變化,未來勞動市場青壯年勞動人數預估將持續下滑,勞動市場人力的年齡層往中高齡方向聚集,中高齡將成為勞動力主要族群。然我國中高齡勞動參與率偏低,將會使勞動力短缺的情形更雪上加霜、青壯年人口的扶養擔子更加沉重,企業及國家整體的競爭力也會受到重大影響。針對中高齡員工的特性客製化建置使其願意繼續留在職場貢獻的人力資源運用管理措施,使企業所需的勞動力能夠維持或減緩缺口,是企業、政府刻不容緩的重要課題。 本研究以社會情緒選擇理論為主要基礎理論,以中高齡員工的職涯未來時間觀為自變項,以內部就業力、期望退休年齡為依變項,傳承性工作意義為調節變項,探討傳承性工作意義是否會對職涯未來時間觀與內部就業力及期望退休年齡之間的關係有所影響。本研究以國內中高齡在職員工為研究對象,為避免共同方法變異的問題,以兩階段發放問卷,最終有效樣本數為109份。 本研究結果發現,中高齡員工之職涯未來時間觀與內部就業力成正向相關,且中高齡員工知覺高度「傳承性工作意義」的調節性人力資源管理措施會減緩職涯未來時間觀對內部就業力的負面影響;職涯未來時間觀與期望退休年齡成正向相關,但中高齡員工知覺高度的「傳承性工作意義」的調節性人力資源管理措施不會減緩其職涯未來時間觀對期望退休年齡的負面影響。 希望本研究所提出的管理意涵能有助於企業留任中高齡員工、解決人力缺口問題,以及能讓中高齡員工能夠繼續在職場上貢獻與發光發熱,達到雙贏。;In Taiwan, the declining birthrate and aging population have caused demographic shifts that are difficult to be reversed in the short term. The number of working age population in the labor market is expected to keep declining in the future. However, the low labor participation rate of the senior and middle-aged persons in Taiwan would make the labor shortage worse, the support burden of the young and middle-aged persons heavier, and greatly affect the overall competitiveness advantage of enterprises and the government. It is an urgent and important issue for enterprises and the government to tailor-made human resource management interventions (or practice) based on the characteristics of the senior and middle-aged employees so that they are willing to stay and contribute to the enterprises to maintain or alleviate the workforce gap. Based on the theory of Socioemotional Selectivity Theory, this study investigating how generativity factor of work meaning affects the relationship among the Occupational Future Time Perspective (OFTP), internal employability and expected retirement age by treating the OFTP as the independent variable, internal employability and expected retirement age as the dependent variables, generativity factor of work meaning as the moderating variable. The research subjects of this study are the senior and middle-aged employees. In order to avoid the issue of common method variation (CMV), the questionnaire was distributed in two stages, and the effective number of samples is 109. The research findings shows that the OFTP and internal employability are positively correlated, and the generativity factor of work meaning alleviate the negative impact of the OFTP on internal employability; the OFTP and expected retirement age are positively correlated, but the generativity factor of work meaning do not alleviate the negative impact of the OFTP on the expected retirement age. It is hoped that the management implications of this study would help companies retain the senior and middle-aged employees, solve the issue of workforce gaps, and enable the senior and middle-aged employees to continue to work and contribute to the enterprise to achieve a win-win situation.