在動盪的全球商業環境中,少許的改變與衝擊都可能對供應鏈造成影響,因此供應商與製造商之間應該積極地注重彼此的營運與作業情況,以隨時面對突如其來的改變與事件。進入資訊爆炸與資訊科技快速變革的時代後,許多企業皆採用資訊系統來輔助營運與企業流程,雖然跨組織間的資訊系統已經證實能有益於公司之間的溝通與訊息共享,但是其在組織間會如何間接地對供應鏈韌性產生效用尚未明確闡明。因此本研究意圖釐清跨組織的資訊系統整合在警覺留神與供應鏈合作的影響,並進一步檢驗是否有助於提高供應鏈韌性。 在此研究中,我們收集了台灣排名前1250名製造商的數據以進行假說檢驗。研究結果顯示,跨組織間的資訊系統整合對警覺留神有正向影響,並能進一步正向影響供應鏈韌性。雖然跨組織間的資訊系統整合的調節作用不顯著,但是本研究也證實了供應鏈合作在跨組織間的資訊系統整合和供應鏈韌性之間有中介效果。最後,我們提供了此研究於學術與實際應用的意義。 ;In today’s inter-connected and turbulent business environment, firms are facing numerous sudden challenges and unexpected disruptions; thus, it is important for firms to increase their alertness to and awareness of environmental changes and their capabilities to sense and recover from interruptions. In spite of growing attention on supply chain resilience, there is insufficient research regarding how firms can benefit from IOS technologies and inter-firm relationships so as to attain supply chain resilience. Therefore, this study explores the important role of IOS integration in mediating the effects of inter-firm mindfulness and supply chain collaboration on supply chain resilience. The data used in this study was obtained from 102 Taiwanese manufacturing firms. Our findings demonstrate that IOS integration can positively influence inter-firm mindfulness and then supply chain resilience. The results also show that supply chain collaboration mediates the effects of IOS integration on supply chain resilience, while the moderating effect of IOS integration is not significant. Theoretical and practical implications of the results within the supply chain network are provided.