汽車業的零件供應鏈涵蓋電子、塑膠、玻璃、鋼鐵等多項領域。這些車輛零件通常由汽車公司外包給世界各地的零件製造商,由於這種分散式的安排,汽車公司在生產管理方面面臨挑戰,特別是發生車輛召回,進行車輛瑕疵零件之責任追究的時候。將汽車零件的生產程序透明化並易於檢索相關生產數據,是實現縮短零件溯源時間目標及責任分屬的關鍵。這意味著汽車零件的生產記錄對於追溯和檢索大規模車輛召回的零件相關數據具有重要作用。不幸的是,目前由外包商和/或汽車公司製作的生產記錄在效率及準則方面並不完善。造成這種不理想狀況的原因有三個:(1) 零件生產記錄的標準格式尚未由汽車公司統一規範,供所有外包商遵循。 (2) 生產記錄從外包商到汽車公司的遞送通常是透過郵件交付,速度緩慢。 (3) 外包商與汽車公司之間缺乏互信。也因此,品質管理效率低落狀況亟需改善。 為了提高現有汽車零件生產履歷的效率,我們採用了具有去中心化和防篡改特性的區塊鏈技術,資料一但上鏈就不可被更改。在簡要描述了區塊鏈技術的優勢後,本研究提出了一個在虛擬機上運行的智能合約,主要用於檢查車輛零件是否符合標準,並利用台灣北部一家汽車公司得到的真實數據進行了實驗。實驗得到的結果與現有人工查核的結果完全相同,我們也針對此提出了許多預期效益。希望在不久的將來可以使用它來實現更高的效率,以減少生產記錄被惡意篡改與人為錯誤的可能性。最後本研究提出了結論和研究侷限性。 ;The supply chain for vehicle parts of the automobile industry spans several areas such as electronics, plastics, glass, steel and the like. These vehicle parts are usually outsourced to subcontractors distributed all over the world by the motor corporation. Due to this distributed arrangement, the motor corporations are facing challenges as for production management especially in the situation of tracing defective parts that incurred malfunctioning of vehicles, and subsequently implemented recalls for problematic vehicles. To make the production process of vehicle parts transparent and easy to retrieve the relevant production data is key to the achievement of goal of shortening the tracing time for defective vehicle parts and hence the responsible subcontractors. It means the production record of vehicle parts plays an important role in tracing and retrieving the relevant data of vehicle parts that cause a large scale of recalls for malfunctioning vehicles. Unfortunately, the current production records made-up by the subcontractors and/or motor corporation are far from being perfect with respect to the criterion of efficiency. The reason behind this unfavorable situation is threefold: (1) The standard format for the production record of vehicle parts has not been well established by the motor corporation for all the subcontractors to follow. (2) The transmission of production record from a subcontractor to the motor corporation is usually done by surface delivery that is slow. (3) There is a lack of mutual trust between the subcontractors and the motor corporation. As such, quality control is badly performed and needs to be improved. To improve the efficiency of the existing production record of vehicle parts, we adopt for use blockchain technology which is characterized by decentralization and anti-tampering. Once the data have been uploaded to the chain, it cannot be tampered. After a brief description about the advantage of blockchain technology, this research came up with a smart contract which is run on virtual machine and mainly to check the vehicle parts for the required standards. An experiment was performed with real data retrieved from a motor company located in northern Taiwan. The result obtained from the experiment is totally the same as that from the existing manual work. We also provide the benefit in quantities from our proposed procedure with a hope that it can be employed in an intermediate future to achieve better efficiency, reduce the possible malicious tampering of production records, and reduce human error. In the end, conclusion and limitations are also given.