摘要: | 隨著桃園地區人口密度提升,城市發展意味著大面積的透水綠地被取代為不透水道路,當發生颱風豪雨事件,無法順利入滲到地下的雨水變成了地表逕流,為了達到友善環境並同時享有交通便捷的生活,將道路以透水性鋪面取代舊有不透水鋪面成為現代道路工程的趨勢,而推廣透水性鋪面的同時需考量到規範內容是否出完善,故本文選用行政院公共工程施工規範:第02794章透水性舖面(2013年版)、第02798章多孔隙瀝青混凝土鋪面(2013年版)、第03341章低密度再生透水混凝土(2012年版)及經濟部水利署施工規範:第03378章多孔混凝土(2015年版),作為審視之基礎章節。 透過桃園市三條試鋪道路:中壢區龍慈路、蘆竹區大華北街、蘆竹區歐楓街,以及三條人行道:中壢區老街溪青埔水都、桃園區大興路、及蘆竹區桃49-1中興路道路的數據,對比規範及相關文獻之後,提出透水性鋪面相關施工綱要規範之合適修訂。 探討後發現:一、第02794章、第02798章針對再生粒料的資訊較少。二、第03341章內容中許多名詞屬舊有名稱,應正名並確認現有規定是否廢止或需更新。三、第02798章、第03341章、第03378,內容應建立施工後之管理與維護機制。四、此四章於透水性要求上較不詳細,應參考各方規範並新增相關內容,包含名詞解釋、檢驗方法、儀器設備、試驗頻率及範圍、試驗結果標準值等。面臨現代科技的迅速發展、發掘各種材料特性及精進、改善施工方法,制定出完善的規範成為當代社會之重要課題。 ;With the increase of population density in Taoyuan, urban development means that most of the permeable places are replaced by impermeable ones. Water cannot infiltrate into the soil when a typhoon or heavy rain comes. To be environmentally friendly and convenient, permeable pavement becomes the construction method of the road on-trend. The first step is to revise regulations to refine the standard. Therefore, this study selected Chapter 02794, Permeable Pavement (2013 Edition), Chapter 03341, Low-Density Recycled Permeable Concrete (2012 Edition), Chapter 02798, Porous Asphalt Concrete Pavement (2020 Edition), and Chapter 03378, Porous Concrete (2015 Edition). The associated specifications could be revised appropriately after comparing the effectiveness of three highways and the sidewalks in Taoyuan is Longci Road in Zhongli District, Dahua North Street in Luzhu District, Oufeng Street in Luzhu District, the sidewalk along Laojie River in Zhongli District, Daxing Road in Taoyuan District, and Tao 49-1 Zhongxing Road in Luzhu District respectively. To sum up, Chapter 02794 and Chapter 02798 have less information on recycled aggregate. Chapter 03341 should rename those previous nouns and update the latest regulation. Chapter 02798, Chapter 03341, and Chapter 03378 should build a system for management and maintenance after the project completion. All of the containers in those chapters are lakes of water permeability. |