水環境巡守隊為一種志願性社區組織,他們是以社區附近的流域組成隊伍執行河川環境保育的志願工作。本研究選擇老街溪流域的水環境巡守隊作為案例,以文獻分析、次級資料分析、深度訪談、參與觀察作為研究方法,探討志願性社區組織與地方政府如何透過協力治理來提升老街溪的環境保育成效,以及探討水環境巡守隊如何發揮社區力量形成一個有效率的集體行動,並且加以分析不同形式組成的水環境巡守隊在運作上有何異同。 研究發現,分為兩個部分:首先,就志願性社區組織與地方政府的環境保育協力關係,地方政府係以通過編列經費,建立委辦計畫提供經濟誘因、制定規則,引導社區組成水環境巡守隊協力提供公共服務,再加上社區居民自發性參與及環境教育的推動,在協力治理下使得環境保育的公共服務產生綜效;第二,針對老街溪流域的水環境巡守隊的觀察,分為自發型與建制型兩種隊伍,尤其隊長的經營方式差異會直接影響隊伍的運作成效,然而本研究也觀察到隊伍之間因認養範圍的重疊,彼此存有既聯合又鬥爭的關係,同時獎金誘因的提高帶來隊伍間激烈的競爭。是故,綜合以上研究發現,本研究分別針對地方政府、水環境巡守隊提出建議,以供後續推展水環境巡守隊工作之參考。 ;Inspection team of water environment (ITWE) is a voluntary community-based organization consisting of a group of people who volunteer to conduct the environmental conservation work in the basin near their community. This study selected the ITWE in the Laojie River basin as a case study, and used document analysis, secondary data analysis, in-depth interviews, and participant observation as research methods to explore how the voluntary community-based organizations and the local government improved the effectiveness of the environmental conservation in Laojie River via collaborative governance. The study also explored how the ITWE leveraged community power to form an efficient collective action, and analyzed the similarities and differences in the operation of different forms of ITWEs. The study finds that the collaborative relationship between the voluntary community-based organizations and the local government regarding environmental conservation can be explained by the fact that the local government encourages the community to form ITWEs by providing economic incentives through funding, commissioning programs, and establishing rules to jointly manage public services. Coupled with the voluntary participation of community residents and the promotion of environmental education, the public services for environmental conservation are synergized under collaborative governance. Also, the ITWEs can be divided into two types: spontaneous teams and established teams, by observing the operation of the ITWEs in Laojie River basin. In particular, the difference in the operation style of team leaders directly affects the effectiveness of the teams. However, this study also observed that the overlap in the scope of adoption between teams led to both alliance and struggle, and the increase in incentive for reward brought about fierce competition among teams. Therefore, in light of the above findings, this study proposes recommendations for the local government and ITWEs respectively for the subsequent development of ITWEs