本論文的研究目的,在於呈現一種概觀式的哲學探究,並可以名為「話語性的現象學(phenomenology of discursivity)」。這是一種結合不同哲學途徑的實踐作法。值得一提的是,即便本論文的確將「話語性(discursivity)」作為主題,也將會以「描述」來面對研究中將會呈現的各種問題,但在理論的建構上,本論文仍然會援引各種不同的分析模式。本論文所提出的「描述」,可以在意會、溝通以及語言交流等領域發揮作用,不過其最主要的應用仍是在哲學的領域:透過建構論證的元素,來對論證本身進行分析。這些元素則包含所有對建構哲學理論有所影響的各種要素在內。 本論文的主要目標,是傳達一種當哲學活動以語言及社會互動(social interactions)的方式呈現時,對其所做出的觀察。透過一種特定的敘事分析(narrative analysis),我們可以認知到敘事的根源,其實深深地埋藏在人類的存在與環境之中。敘事自身並不會單獨存在,當某人因為他者 (other) 的出現而進行描述時,敘事總會作為自我體現(embodied-self)的產物而呈現。 作為結果,意象的焦點總會由作為理論產物的含意,轉移到由底層且非理論方式所構成,敘事以及體現結合的含意。;The purpose of this work is to present an overview of a specific way of philosophical inquiry which we call the ‘phenomenology of discursivity’. It is a practical exercise built by combining different philosophical approaches. Although it has a central theme (discursivity) and it uses a specific method to approach problems, it still advocates for multiple modes of analyses. It can be used in any field where sense-making, communication or language is used. Its specific application is in the field of philosophy: analysing arguments through their constituting elements. These elements include all the influencing factors that have an effect on the construction of a philosophical theory. Our main objective is to propagate the observation of philosophical activities as they are expressed through language and social interactions. By a specific kind of narrative analysis that recognizes the roots of narrativity as deeply embedded in human existence. Narrativity is not considered existing in itself, it is always a product of an embodied-self who is performing a discursive action because of the presence of the other. As a consequence, the focus of attention shifts from meaning as a product of a theory to meaning as a combination of narrative and embodied expressive formations produced by underlying, non-theoretical processes.