摘要: | 摘 要
客語師資近年來,得到廣大的客家民眾支持,許多客家民眾都從民眾的身份轉換成教導客語的老師,漸漸的學校的教學現場出現了很多的客語師資,師資培訓的現場也出現了很多客語師資,許多民眾拿著通過中高級認證的證書,也成為客語師資,許多的大專院校講師教授,成為了客語師資培訓師。客語師資,成為了這個時代的新網絡組織。為數眾多的客語師資,大家在網絡中,扮演什麼樣的角色,在整體的客語師資網絡中,客語師資個人短期、中期、長期的發展是什麼?客語師資網絡短期、中期、長期的發展又是什麼?尤其桃園市是客語師資最多的所在,大量的 客語師資們在網絡中面對政策的變化,應該要如何因應?如何恰如其份地在網絡中,守護傳承母語,共同實踐、平衡現實與理想、使命和責任,值得研究和探討。 台灣的客語師資培育從過去客家族群得到政治資源源起到現在立法培育,本研究應用「行動者網絡理論」建構出客語師資網絡,將整個行動者的網絡的進展,從網絡問題化、網絡利益賦予、各界徵召、全面動員,在五個網絡中,爬梳整理、研究出其中轉譯的變化,行動者之間的聯繫,共同利益的組織效益,徵召者和整體底層動員之間互相影響,影響所造成的變化,描繪出客語師資網絡的架構和現況。 研究客語師資行動者網絡的建構,首先應該要了解,客家族群為何而崛起,崛起的原因,是否真的是因為政府對母語的守護,是否守住母語就守住客語師資網絡,應該先理解和消化整個歷史進程中,這樣一個族群崛起的政治背景,務實的釐清客語師資網絡的核心起源。 利益賦予是行動網絡的動能來源,充分掌握客語師資網絡的崛起和網絡問題核心,再開始探究網絡中的利益賦予,是否足以驅策、驅動整個網絡為之行動,了解利益賦予的來源、分配、原則。配合大衛•克里斯托(David Crystal)於《語言的死亡》一書中,列出了六個他認為可以挽救「瀕危語言」的「語言復振」(languagerevitalization)方式。利用其概念,進行客語師資網絡利益賦予現況的檢視和對照,在不斷的研究問答之中,企圖看情楚,客語師資網絡每個主體,期待的利益賦予是什麼;整個客語師資網絡對各種身分轉換的客語師資賦予的情形。 起源於「寧賣祖宗田,不忘祖宗言」字面上的精神徵召,客家人,人人有使命,有孝心,傳承客語,徵召陣營群起呼喚,無關乎「利」也無關乎「害」,徵召陣營的行動者熱絡、互動、聯繫、研究討論並且發展,以形而上的精神,為客語師資網絡的精神層次中注入靈魂,這是早期的昂揚,也是一切網絡行動者的具體起點。 最後,成功帶起網絡底層的廣大動員,使得整個客語行動者網絡得到穩固的基石。主要是一大群資深的客家耆老,家庭主婦、二度就業、中年兼職,起源於對客家親情的真性情,進入客語師資網絡之中後,難以停歇的培訓、進修、研習、認證、移師跑校,深入研讀本研究,可以了解問題的起源,利益分配和政策的問題點,找到解方。 客家語言文化和客語師資網絡,以異質的組合合力成起一整個諾大的「客語師資行動者網絡」,人與非人的行動者在這個網絡中都有平等的地位,非客家語言文化,無法動員行動者網絡;非客語師資,無以傳承客語。 研究中的主體行經「行動者網絡理論」所架構出的客語師資行動者網絡,都自網絡中經過強制通行點,克服自身障礙,完成主體自身的目標,創造主體和網絡的雙贏者,就是網絡中適者生存下來華麗轉譯的行動者,也有無法優化利益,離開網絡的異議轉身離開的行動者。 本研究內容為客語師資網絡在桃園市的發展,應用ANT行動者網絡理論,架構出其整體。可以幫助讀者快速理解、參與或推廣和規劃。從1988到2022年客語師資網絡發展緣由到最新的發展,將客委會為主體,利益賦予所及和影響力所及的客語師資網絡,主體們和行動者們在網絡中分類、分層進行研究,本研究以五年的時間實地參與、觀察、訪談、紀錄、研究。並且相關文獻和資料紀錄蒐集整理。把客語師資網絡的問題化、利益賦予、徵召、動員,行動者們如何組織、聯絡、擴張、反思、再行動,種種作為及其影響,用ANT行動者理論特有的方式梳理。並且以客語師資最多、薪傳師最多的桃園市為例。本研究為國內外,首次將ANT行動者的網絡理論,應用在客語師資網絡中。本研究對這個應用發展並進行系統性分析和理論連結,並驗證這樣的應用深具說服力。
關鍵字:客語師資、行動者網絡理論、網絡發展、強制通行點、桃園市 ;Abstract
In recent years, the Hakka language teacher policy has been supported by the majority of Hakka people. Many Hakka people have changed their identity from the public to teachers who teach Hakka language. Many Hakka language teachers have been acquired, and many people have become Hakka language teachers with certificates of intermediate and advanced certification. Many college lecturers and professors have become Hakka language teacher trainers. Hakka language teachers have become a new network organization in this era. There are a large number of Hakka language teachers, what role do you play in the network? In the overall Hakka language teacher network, what is the short-term, medium-term and long-term development of Hakka language teachers? The short-term, medium-term and long-term development of the Hakka language teacher network What is the development of? In particular, Taoyuan City is home to the most Hakka language teachers. How should a large number of Hakka language teachers face policy changes on the Internet? How to properly protect and inherit the mother tongue in the network, practice together, balance reality and ideal, mission and responsibility, is worth studying and discussing. The cultivation of Hakka language teachers in Taiwan has been from the political resources of the Hakka community in the past to the current legislative cultivation. This study uses the "actor network theory" to construct a Hakka language teacher network, and changes the progress of the entire actor network from network problematization, Network benefits, recruitment from all walks of life, and comprehensive mobilization. In the five networks, comb through and study the changes in translation, the connection between actors, the organizational benefits of common interests, and the interaction between recruiters and the overall bottom-level mobilization. , the changes caused by the influence, and describe the structure and current situation of the Hakka language teacher network. To study the construction of the Hakka language teacher actor network, we should first understand why the Hakka group rises and whether the reason for the rise is really because of the government’s protection of the mother tongue. Digest the political background of the rise of such an ethnic group in the whole historical process, and pragmatically clarify the core origin of the Hakka language teacher network. Benefit conferring is the source of kinetic energy for the action network. After fully grasping the rise of the Hakka language teacher network and the core of network problems, we begin to explore whether the benefit endowment in the network is sufficient to drive and drive the entire network to act for it. in principle. In conjunction with David Crystal′s "The Death of Language", he lists six methods of "language revitalization" that he believes can save "endangered languages". Use its concept to inspect and compare the current situation of the Hakka language teacher network benefit. In the continuous research and question and answer, we try to see clearly what each subject of the Hakka language teacher network expects to be benefited from; the entire Hakka language teacher network The situation given to Hakka teachers who have changed their identities. Originated from the literal spiritual recruitment of "I would rather sell the ancestral fields, not forget the ancestral words", Hakka people, everyone has a mission, filial piety, inherits the Hakka language, and the recruitment camp calls for it, which has nothing to do with "benefit" or "harm". , The actors in the recruiting camp are enthusiastic, interacting, contacting, researching, discussing and developing, and injecting soul into the spiritual level of the Hakka language teacher network with a metaphysical spirit. In the end, it successfully mobilized the bottom layer of the network, making the entire Hakka actor network a solid cornerstone. Mainly a large group of senior Hakka elders, housewives, second-time employment, middle-aged part-timers, originating from the true temperament of the Hakka family. After entering the Hakka teacher network, it is difficult to stop training, further education, study, certification, and transfer. If you run the school and study this research in depth, you can understand the origin of the problem, the distribution of interests and the problem points of the policy, and find the solution. The Hakka language culture and the Hakka language teacher network have been combined to form a whole “Hakka language teacher actor network” of Nuoda. Human and non-human actors have equal status in this network. Non-Hakka language Culture cannot mobilize the network of actors; non-Hakka language teachers cannot inherit Hakka language. The subject in the study travels through the Hakka language teacher actor network constructed by the "Actor Network Theory". All of them pass through mandatory passage points in the network, overcome their own obstacles, complete the subject′s own goals, and create a win-win for the subject and the network. In the network, there are actors who survive the fittest and translate beautifully, and there are also actors who cannot optimize their interests, and those who leave the network turn away. The content of this research is The Development of Hakka Language Teacher Network in Taoyuan City. Applying ANT Actor Network Theory to structure as a whole new network. Can help readers quickly understand, participate or promote and plan. From 1988 to 2022, the reason for the development of the Hakka language teacher network to the latest development. Taking the Hakka Affairs Council as the main body, the Hakka language teacher network that endowed and influenced by interests. Subjects and actors are classified and hierarchically studied in the network. This study took five years of field participation, observation, interviews, records, and research, and collected relevant literature and data records. The problem-solving, benefit-giving, recruitment, and mobilization of the Hakka language teacher network, how the actors organize, connect, expand, reflect, and re-act, various actions and their influences, are sorted out in a unique way of ANT actor theory. And take Taoyuan City, which has the most Hakka language teachers and most Hakka Language Heritage Teacher, as an example. For the first time, the network theory of ANT actors is applied to the Hakka language teacher network. This study develops and systematically analyzes and links this application, and validates such an application convincingly.
Keywords: Hakka language teachers, actor network theory, network development, obligatory point of passage(OPP), Taoyuan City |