進入後疫情時代世界正面臨生活型態轉型,5G、AI、車用電子等半導體相關需求比過去更為強烈,台灣適逢半導體產業的優勢,擁有完整的IC設計、晶圓代工、封裝測試的密集供應鏈,劇烈的環境改變帶來了更多機會,也帶來了更多產業拓展的需求。在大環境蓬勃發展的情況中,企業面臨競爭著不僅是自身的技術力,更一部分是生產量能擴張的壓力,於此,大量的人才錄用及培育便成了當前企業的一大考驗,能快速地獲得適任人材並培訓,縮短面試所需時間、減少不適任任用的風險所花費的成本就顯著重要。本研究透過履歷資料並佐以應試者人格特質做為基礎,目的在於僅用單純的基礎資料即可辨識出該員是否為適才適任之人員,資料來源可透過現有網路資料庫或於面試前增加應試人格特質測試,不透過人為面試的主觀意見做為適任判斷,以此提供客觀評斷標準,加速面試前篩選、面試後評估之佐證。;The way we used be living is different after COVID-19. It is stronger demand in semiconductors about 5G, AI, automobile. Taiwan takes this advantage with complete industrial chain about IC design, foundry, packing and testing. Opportunities come from environment changing and also requirement do. In the time, enterprise must keep technology leading and expand the capacity of production simultaneously. The recruitment and training are the problems to overcome. How to shorten the recruitment period and select competent applicants is more important. The article focuses on selecting the competent applicants base on the data of screening resumes and personal traits. These features are more objective and could be tested by equal standard. Less human judgement could reduce the bias from interviewer and decrease the time of recruitment stage.