阿莫西林為目前最常見的口服抗生素之一,幾乎有80%的阿莫西林以原始型態在人體尿液中被檢測出來,這表示說阿莫西林可能以很高濃度進入至環境水體中。高濃度的阿莫西林可能有極大機率會使細菌演化出具有耐藥性的個體,甚至有極大的機率會是細菌發展成超級細菌。因此對環境中阿莫西林的監測極為重要。目前阿莫西林的分析方法樣品在分析前要先進行前置處理、非常耗時、且分析時需要投入非常可觀的有機溶劑、且無法即時監測。而電化學方法有著低成本、環境友好、優秀的靈敏度之長處外,電化學方法最具有優勢的一點是它可直接於現場完成監測與分析。 本研究開發釕奈米粒子/單壁奈米管修飾玻璃碳電極進行循環伏安法分析水中的阿莫西林。首先會對修飾材料進行伏安分析測試,接下來對釕金屬的電沉積參數進行最佳化,之後再探討阿莫西林的最佳伏安分析參數。最後,探討電極在環境水樣中對阿莫西林的偵測表現,並對電極的再現性、重複性進行分析,分析結果顯示了釕奈米粒子/單壁奈米管修飾玻璃碳電極(Ru/SWCNT/GCE)以循環掃描伏安法分析水中阿莫西林在兩個濃度範圍中(1 μM-10 μM) 和 (30 μM-300 μM)中皆表現出優異的現性關係,且偵測極限(LOD)為0.423 μM。另外,電極有著優秀的再現性,再現性的相對標準偏差為1.23%。最後在真實水樣對阿莫西林進行分析,證實了電極在生活污水、污水廠出流水中皆有著非常優秀的回收率。 ;Antibiotic amoxicillin is one of the most common oral antibiotics, and almost 80% of original amoxicillin is detected in human urine, which means that amoxicillin may be released into the environment with high concentrations. And the high concentrations of amoxicillin in the environment may cause the bacteria to develop drug resistance or even have great chance to evolve into super bacteria. Therefore, the monitoring of amoxicillin in the environment need followed. At present, the method of analyzing amoxicillin is time-consuming, requires sample pretreatment and, large amount of organic solvent during analysis, and cannot be monitored in-site. The electrochemical method has the advantages of low cost, environmental friendliness, and excellent sensitivity. More importantly, electrochemical method can be applied on-site analysis and monitoring. In this research, cyclic voltammetry analysis of amoxicillin was performed by ruthenium nanoparticles/single walled carbon nanotubes modified glassy carbon electrode (Ru/SWCNT/GCE). First, the material selection and analysis test were carried out, and then the parameters of ruthenium nanoparticle electrodeposition and voltammetry analysis were optimized. The detection performance of the electrode for amoxicillin in water would be determined and the stability and reproducibility of the electrode were also evaluated. Analyzed results indicated that Ru/SWCNT/GCE detected amoxicillin in water using cyclic voltammetry had good linear relationships in two concentration ranges (1 μM-10 μM) and (30 μM-300 μM), and the limit of detection (LOD) is 0.423 μM. At last, the analysis of amoxicillin in environmental water samples verified that modified electrode had good recovery rate in both domestic sewage and wastewater plant effluent.