本研究主要針對工業4.0風潮下所產生的商機進行探討,新進入的業者應該如何了解客戶需求,進行行銷推廣的探討,工業4.0風潮帶動數位轉型的議題、政府也大力支持原本的設備系統整合廠商透過工業物聯網的方式,轉型增加雲端資訊服務,一同輔導傳統製造業進行產業升級,在這個機會點下,應用創新的用途理論來解析我們的目標客戶需求,本研究採用質性研究進行深度訪談,以訪談的資料將逐字稿進行解析,透過用途理論的三個構面「功能面」、「社會面」、「情感面」進行探討,透過這三個構面我們能夠得到產品功能面與客戶價值的聯結,社會面與情感面更能夠讓我們觀察到客戶的痛點,而這些痛點所產生的需求,更是我們的行銷重點,也是業務人員在推廣,可以用來與客戶創造共同話題的利器,本研究的實務結論,確實在應用創新的用途理論的情境中推導出客戶的需求,也讓我們在未來行銷業務上更有所依據,本研究此次鎖定汽車及其零件製造業為主後續相信也能用相同的方式了解我們的目標客戶。;This research primarily discusses the business opportunities generated by the trend of Industry 4.0. In order to develop the strategies for the marketing promotion, new entrants should fully understand how the client runs the firm and what obstacles they have encountered in the process of operation. Since the trend of Industry 4.0 drives the topic of digital transformation, the government has strongly encouraged system integrators to assist traditional manufacturers to enhance their manufacturing processes by adopting cloud services, known as IoT cloud platforms. Under these circumstances, we use the Jobs to be Done Theory to analyze the needs of our target customers. Within the study, the verbatim transcripts of qualitative research interviews allow us to explore the unique experiences of our participants based on three scopes: function, society, and emotion. Through the study of these three scopes, we discover how the design of product functions is significant to the client’s needs. Moreover, the study of social and emotional aspects enables us to observe the client’s pain points while running the firm. These two scopes not only help us develop a market strategy, but the salesperson can take the customer’s point of view while delivering the services. In conclusion, based on Jobs to be Done Theory this study derives customers’ needs in the context of applying innovation use and delivers us a better basis in the future for marketing. This research focuses on automobiles and parts of the automobile industry, and I believe that we can also understand our target customers in the same way.