我國高放處置計畫自107年起邁入「候選場址評選與核定」(2018-2028)第二階段工作,配合「台灣永續發展目標」之具體目標18.3,推動「高放射性廢棄物最終處置設施」法制作業,高放廢棄物最終處置計畫的審查、驗證及管制等工作,益顯重要。本計畫目的在參酌國際核能組織對高放地質處置安全證案相關指引、準則,以及核能先進國家處置相關法規、安全要求或高放最終處置設施階段性安全證案案例等資訊,以發展我國用過核子燃料最終處置設施安全分析報告導則之內容,分年完成我國高放最終處置安全分析報告導則之研擬工作。 本計畫擬針對109年所規劃之用過核子燃料最終處置安全分析報告導則章節內容,彙整國際組織提出之高放最終處置有關安全證案之指引或導則,以及主要核能國家對於高放廢棄物地質處置設施之安全策略、安全要求與技術要項、及高放地質處置安全分析報告審查案例等資訊,研擬我國用過核子燃料最終處置設施安全分析報告導則之「安全評估」與「品質保證計畫」兩專章,同時提出未來審查要項之建議。另外,針對用過核子燃料地質處置設施安全評估所需的重要技術項目,進行實驗與模擬成果之平行驗證,包括高放處置設施遠場熱傳導分析與國際合作計畫母岩裂縫水力影響案例之平行驗證、鹼性環境下沖蝕對緩衝材料流失量與回脹性能折損評估等重點工作,以掌握處置設施安全評估工作之審查重點,支援審查驗證技術,以提升國內相關管制技術與審查能力。 ;The geological disposal program for spent nuclear fuel in Taiwan has entered into the second phase of identifying potential areas for a repository site, started from year 2018. Also, the government of Taiwan has placed “the promotion of legalization process for final disposal facility for high-level radioactive wastes” as one of the specific goals in the “Taiwan Sustainable Development Goals” declared in 2019. As a result, the development of the specific guide for the safety analysis report for the geological disposal facility becomes essential. This will be set out by referring to the main issues discussed in international geological disposal programs and reviewing comments provided to various countries on their disposal project’s safety analysis report by regulating agencies. This is expected to beneficial for the forthcoming review of the safety analysis reports to be submitted and the control of the final disposal program conducted by Taipower. This project is to assimilate the safety guides published by international organizations and the safety requirements and design criteria established by regulating agency of various major nuclear-power-generating countries for the geological disposal facility for radioactive wastes. Based on extensive study on related information, a draft guide for the safety analysis report for geological disposal facility will be devised for Taiwan. This year’s task is focused on 2 chapters in the guide, namely, “safety assessment” and “quality control program”. In addition to the preparation of design guide for geological disposal facility, a couple of verification tasks on important safety features of the geological disposal facility are included. These tasks are intended to be conducted independently such that major findings from Taipower’s safety analysis reports at different stages and/or international collaborated researches can be compared and verified. Thus, two technical sub-studies, namely, thermal transition in the far-field of the facility and verifications on the results from field experiments conducted through international collaboration on hydraulic analysis for fractures in bedrock, and the effects of alkaline groundwater on the potential of erosion and swelling pressure of buffer materials, are included in this research project.