摘要: | 現今各國機場之跑道施工係參考美國航空聯邦總署 (Federal Aviation Administration, FAA)於 2018年公布之 AC150/5370-10H標準施工規範而訂定 ,於該規範亦有規定路基滾壓驗證項目,對該驗證有明確規定滾壓驗證載具之規格,但無規定載具之載重以及各胎壓(100/125/150 psi)使用時機 ,本研究即 探討桃園地區土壤並 利用程式模擬來找出滾壓驗證載具之載種與胎壓最適使用配置。於實驗室進行土壤含水量、 無圍壓縮試驗、直剪試驗等 土壤性質試驗取得土壤參數並於實驗 室利用漢堡輪跡試驗儀 模擬現地滾壓驗證,最後使用ABAQUS有限元素程式進行模型建設 ,並將實驗得參數帶入模型以模擬現地滾壓驗證。研究結果顯示使用土壤楊氏係數、凝聚力 、摩擦角、膨脹角 這四種參數可有效建立土壤模型;經 ABAQUS模擬滾壓驗證發現載重相較於楊氏係數、胎壓等參數,對 土壤沉 陷量影響較大;本研究模擬不同強度土壤於各胎壓與載重時進行滾壓驗證 發現 FAA 150/5320-6F規定之最低楊氏係數 1,000 psi,該強度之土壤使用加載32 ton載重且胎壓為 125 psi之載具可有效進行滾壓驗證 。建議未來道路路基土壤進行滾壓驗證前可先利用程式模擬找出最適載具規格, 再依照選定規格進行滾壓驗證,以有效驗證土壤當下之承載力是否足夠使道路更加安全。 關鍵詞:滾壓驗證 、 ABAQUS、 路基;The current runway construction of airports in various countries are following the AC150/5370-10H standard construction specification published by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) in 2018. Expect of loading and tire pressure, the proof loading verification vehicle is very clear described in this specification. The objective of this study is to find the best configuration tire pressure and loading of the proof loading verification vehicle for the soil in Taoyuan area using computer program simulation. The soil property of Taoyuan included soil moisture content, unconfined compression test, and direct shear test were conducted and those results would be adopted to computer program simulation. The Hamburg wheel track tester was used in the laboratory to simulate the field rolling verification. At last, the ABAQUS, finite element program, was used to build up the situ rolling verification model, and the input parameters were using the lab. test results. The situ rolling verification model was established by soil Young’s modulus, cohesion, friction angle, and expansion angle . According to ABAQUS simulation rolling verification, it is easy to find that compared with parameters such as Young’s modulus and tire pressure, the loading of loading of the proof loading verification vehicle would be the major factor on rolling soil settlement. Based on the results of this study, the recommend loading is 32 ton and tire pressure is 125 psi of the proof loading verification vehicle for Taoyuan area soil and the subgrade quality would be well controlled under this. Keywords: Proof rolling, ABAQUS and subgrade |